Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Allergic or Acid reflulx

DS is almost 9 months old, and has had a few spells of either an allergic reaction or acid reflux. I'm not sure. What happens is he'll spit up a little bit and around his eyes gets red and he seems to be gagging on the spit. I try and give him a sippy cup asap when i see this happening to get it out of his mouth. The reason I say I think it might be a allergic reaction is because I've noticed the 2 main times this has happened was about 20 mins after he ate pineapple. So needless to say we've avoided pineapple as a whole. But it seems like acid reflux too because it happened once in the car and he hadn't had any pineapple at all. So i'm just all sorts of confused but he goes for his 9 month check up next week so DH and I have decided to wait till then to get the doctor to look at him vs making an appointment. This has only happened a handful of times so maybe it was just a fluke? I'm not sure but it has me all freaking out when he eats because i know when he spits up it bothers him. Okay, sorry for rambling. But have any of yall had this? Or know something i could do to help if it does happen again.

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