Our upstairs bathroom has a door that drives me nuts.
It's a narrow bathroom so when doing your hair or brushing your teeth you stand within the "swing" of the door. That'd be fine, except the door doesn't stay open. It swings shut and naturally sits about 3/4 of the way closed.
Usually I want the door open when doing my hair so I can hear DS or he can come in. But I'm sick of the door hitting me while I put myself together in the morning. It should be a mild irritant but it drives me mad to whack my funny bone on the closing door twice a day.
It's far enough away that it's awkward to hold it away with one foot and a door stop seems like it'd be a pain with a door that is closed as often as a bathroom door.
Can I mess with the tightness of the hinge screws and change the way it hangs so that it will naturally hang in the open position, rather than swing most of the way closed? No other door in our apartment does this.
Re: Handyman (or woman) type question