
has anyone tried the Jillian Ultimatum 2009 Wii game?

I keep reading on the internet that it sucks.  I got it as a gift...but I'm afraid to open it if it sucks.


Re: has anyone tried the Jillian Ultimatum 2009 Wii game?

  • I don't think it sucks.  I think most of the people that I have seen reviews from are video game geeks who are complaining about the graphics.

    It is a way better work out than normal WII Fit. I actually find it difficult.

  • that's what I was hoping!! That it was just gamers being critical..but for regular people...err would be ok.
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  • I should add that I am a lazy ass...most exercise is tough for me!
  • I thought it was just OK, but admittedly I didn't play it much, or know what to expect. At first you're just jogging (in a completely unnatural way) and doing these log jumps. Perhaps I missed something, though? It's not my game - I just played it at my friend's house.
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