It can't just be me, can it? My 3 1/2 year old wakes up at night half the time and rarely starts her day later than 6am. This morning she was up at 4am and then again at 5:45. I am ex fucking hausted. Can anyone else commiserate?
@spooko- you mean to tell me it doesn't get any better with age? Ugh. DD is up once a night usually but used to sleep 7:30pm-7:30am (though she was much younger). Gone are those days! Thanks for your input. I guess I just needed to hear that its normal and to just suck it up and deal.
@spooko- sorry to hear of your kids possible ADHD diagnosis. I hope you get a good result. I pray that DD grows out of it. She was up an hour before the sun came up this morning and there was nobody on the road. Thank God that the coffee place was open though!
My 5 yo is a child with special needs (ASD) and one of the characteristics is poor sleep habits. He was getting out of bed multiple times a night and coming into our room which means we weren't sleeping either. It was exhausting.
One of the things we did is we got him a kid alarm clock. At night we turn it on and it lights up a picture of a sleeping bunny. We set it for the time he can get up in the morning and then the picture with the daytime bunny lights up. It has helped a lot. Most nights if he wakes up and sees the picture of the sleepy bunny lit up he knows its time to stay in bed. He will still come in to our room occasionally but not that often anymore. It might help your DD.
Re: Anyone else with a 3-4 y/o that doesn't always STTN?