October 2013 Moms

i complained about my crappy massage

and now i am getting a free one on Thursday!



Re: i complained about my crappy massage

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    Good for you! 
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    Yay! Wish I had with mine :(
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    Inn2 said:
    Yay! Wish I had with mine :(
    well the only reason i really did it is because they sent me a survey of how things went, which made it easy haha. otherwise i was totally unmotivated to go out of my way to b;tch.  

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    Tell them they better keep their mouth shut this time.


    photo 45ad94ec-8f7e-4e11-afa6-d58d009e0ecb_zpse556e368.jpg  image image



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    Inn2 said:

    Yay! Wish I had with mine :(

    well the only reason i really did it is because they sent me a survey of how things went, which made it easy haha. otherwise i was totally unmotivated to go out of my way to b;tch.  

    This is exactly what happened to me about a week ago. I went for a prenatal massage on my birthday. The spa experience was amazing, but the masseuse left something to be desired. She spent time asking what I wanted her to focus on then completely disregarded my request. When she started to massage near my shoulders and temples, she smelled like cigarette smoke big time. So gross. I wasn't going to complain but they sent me a survey. I was honest and within a few hours the manager called me back and told me she was sending a certificate for a free massage. So awesome! Sometimes it's worth filling out those surveys!

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    You're seriously the champion of getting money back/things replaced.
    hahaahah not really, it's just been a bunch of random stuff at once.   there will be a many month lull from here on out haah

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