Natural Birth


Hi, I am 34+ weeks along now and getting closer to delivery. I'm planning a natural birth in water at a birth center. This is my first baby.

5 months ago my sister in law went into labor with the same birth plan as I have and she had complications and ended up losing her baby right before delivery. Now that we are getting closer I keep having panic attacks. Does anyone have any advice or words to share? How to cope maybe. Thanks in advance!

Re: Nervousness

  • I remember being nervous to.  As a FTM you don't know what to expect and how things will go. Remember that your body is designed to give birth. Take one contraction at a time and  you will get through it.   You can do it!
  • I'm so sorry for your SIL's loss. It is scary for any FTM. It is unfamiliar territory and it is a very unpredictable event. I would speak with your MW and doula, if you have one, about the situation with your SIL. That can play a big toll mentally and your MW/doula will be able to help talk you through labor and help redirect your mind. Just remember your body is designed for labor and it is working hard to deliver the baby safely. You may try meditation and affirmations to help redirect your anxiety and change the way you think of labor.
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  • Thank you. I will talk to my midwife more next week at my appointment.
  • I am so sorry for you SIL's loss. That fear must be a tough one to overcome but if I have any advise it would be affirmations, affirmations, affirmations........I had this fear, as I am sure many many mommas do and my doula used affirmations to help me cope with it.
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