I'm getting to an age where we need to settle on whether we plan to have another baby. Our DD is 2 1/2- She is incredibly bright (what a mommy thing to say), very funny and also very stubborn. Every time DH and I are asked about having another baby, we half joke/half seriously reply that we're still figuring this one out. I would like my daughter to have siblings, but on many levels, the thought is overwhelming. I would not trade my beautiful daughter for anything, but are we selfish to say that we might not be able to do it all again? To be honest, I think I'm scared to have another baby because I know what it entailed the first time (I had trouble conceiving, experienced post partum anxiety that was un-real and my daughter had colic). That said, the thought of not having a little one ever again or a sibling for my daughter to play with makes me sad. It's a constant thought in the back of my head. Your experience- one way or the other?
Re: Did you ever say you were one and done, then change your mind?
Most of this for me. I had horrible, debilitating morning sickness for 7 months of my pregnancy. Then I absolutely disliked the newborn stage. Ever since DD was crawling at 6 months and STTN I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I was dead set on one and done.
I never thought it would happen, but right as DD is about to reach 2 1/2, I'm dying to have a second one. I don't know what happened, but I really want her to have a sibling so I figure I can endure another year of hell to give her one.
I had a really hard childbirth recovery. Add in the baby blues (x100) and I honestly wasn't sure I could do that again.
Nearly 3 years later I am now coming around again. We will start ttc after thanksgiving.