I need advise on a VBAC...
Should I try or should I not...
My OB is completely supportive of whatever I want to do and thus far, I think my plan is that if my body doesn't go into labor on it's own, then we are going to go ahead with a csection one day prior to her actual due date.
My son's (21 months) birth was a little difficult. We were induced with low fluids at 41 wks and labored for 17 hours, pushed for 2.5 hrs with no progression and then had a csection and found that he was a decent size baby at 8lbs 10oz and was face up. So I'm hoping that this baby cooperates and comes on her own.
I guess I'm just wondering what other mom's experiences (good or bad) have been and what advise do you have? What did you do to prepare that made your VBAC a success? I'm currently 25wks.