Tomorrow is my checkup with my dr. He does ultrasounds at basically every appointment, which I love. I don't remember from my first, do you think we should see a heart beat at 6w2d? I am going by my ovulation date (temping).
It's a possibility, but don't be too discouraged if not. The heart starts beating about 6 weeks, so it might be low too depending on when his little ticker started! Good luck!
Nope.. Healthy pregnancy last time too. He has the machine in his office and does them. I think he stopped around 13 weeks last time, as soon as everything looked good with the nuchal test. I always thought it was normal.. But after being on this board, I realized its not the norm. I like it though...
My doctor does it every time too and I'm also not high risk. I had my six weeks last week and they blew it up and we could see a VERY faint flicker of a heart beat! It took me a while to see what the doctor was even talking about because it was so tiny! LOL. I hope you get to see it tomorrow but if not, next time!
I get an ultrasound every visit too & I'm not high risk. He has the machine in his office too, we also get a 3d scan at 30 weeks 4 free!! Cannot wait! Hope u get to see ur little ones heartbeat ) x
Weird. I didn't realize so many doctors were giving ultrasound out like candy. I wouldn't want any unneeded medical procedure. Yes it is fun to see the baby, but what a waste of your doctor's time. I hope you ladies never have to wait in the waiting room for too long, you'd have to be wondering if it is because some woman who doesn't need it, is getting an ultrasound done.
I'm really not being snarky, although I think first tri brings that out in me. I myself get a lot of ultrasounds because I am very high risk, but even I don't get one every appt.
My cousin had a normal pregnancy, but her doctor also treated a lot of high-risk patients at the practice, so as a result the doctor performed lots of ultrasounds just to check on things. If the doctor offers it, and the charges aren't too much, then I don't really see a problem with it. While it's not medically necessary, there really aren't any risks associated with too many ultrasounds, so if the doctor prefers it, then so be it.
My cousin had a normal pregnancy, but her doctor also treated a lot of high-risk patients at the practice, so as a result the doctor performed lots of ultrasounds just to check on things. If the doctor offers it, and the charges aren't too much, then I don't really see a problem with it. While it's not medically necessary, there really aren't any risks associated with too many ultrasounds, so if the doctor prefers it, then so be it.
$200/each, minimum. 14 visits during pregnancy. That's an extra $2800 per woman. I will bet a number of insurance plans drop that practice from their approved providers in the next couple years due to excessive claims.
I hope she plans on her insurance denying all but the one she actually needs.
Well considering this is my second child being delivered with the same doctor, I think the insurance is good. We pay a lot for good insurance and its never been questioned. And your calculations are a little off, if ultrasounds are $200 a visit. I said he does them up to 13 weeks. Visiting every 3 weeks, that would be 3 ultrasounds. Not that excessive.
Weird. I didn't realize so many doctors were giving ultrasound out like candy. I wouldn't want any unneeded medical procedure. Yes it is fun to see the baby, but what a waste of your doctor's time. I hope you ladies never have to wait in the waiting room for too long, you'd have to be wondering if it is because some woman who doesn't need it, is getting an ultrasound done.
I'm really not being snarky, although I think first tri brings that out in me. I myself get a lot of ultrasounds because I am very high risk, but even I don't get one every appt.
I have never waited more than 10 minutes to see the doctor. And you do sound extremely snarky.
DH and I were able to see the heartbeat at 6 weeks 4 days, (based on LMP, we thought I was at least 8 weeks 4 days, but I ovulated later than expected) and the computer simulated it so we could hear it.
DH and I were able to see the heartbeat at 6 weeks 4 days, (based on LMP, we thought I was at least 8 weeks 4 days, but I ovulated later than expected) and the computer simulated it so we could hear it.
Oh great! I just looked back at my sons ultrasounds and we were able to see his at 6 weeks 4 days. Hopefully my 2 day difference this week is ok!
Nope.. Healthy pregnancy last time too. He has the machine in his office and does them. I think he stopped around 13 weeks last time, as soon as everything looked good with the nuchal test. I always thought it was normal.. But after being on this board, I realized its not the norm. I like it though...
So does mine. You doctor is extremely wasteful. And raking in a good amount of money from all those unnecessary ultrasounds. I bet your insurance loves the shit out of that.
Weird. I didn't realize so many doctors were giving ultrasound out like candy. I wouldn't want any unneeded medical procedure. Yes it is fun to see the baby, but what a waste of your doctor's time. I hope you ladies never have to wait in the waiting room for too long, you'd have to be wondering if it is because some woman who doesn't need it, is getting an ultrasound done.
I'm really not being snarky, although I think first tri brings that out in me. I myself get a lot of ultrasounds because I am very high risk, but even I don't get one every appt.
I have never waited more than 10 minutes to see the doctor. And you do sound extremely snarky.
I'm just being honest, I see it as wasteful, time wise, money wise, and silly. Things like this drive up the cost of insurance...covering medically needed procedures, for what? For something that isn't needed. I'm not against wanting to see your baby, but there are places that do elective scans. Getting an Ultrasound at every appt to me should be considered insurance fraud on the part of your doctor. It is kind of like dentists "drilling for gold" in your mouth. I only get xrays when I need them, I only get ultrasounds when I need them.
I am probably the least snarky person on the bump, it is almost laughable, but my history on the bump is being on the other side of that equation.
As a small business owner, we pay a ridiculous amount for insurance a year out of pocket. I doubt 3-4 extra ultrasounds a pregnancy is hurting any insurance company. It seems like its standard for some doctors to do these ultrasounds... I'm glad mine is one of them. It gave me peace of mind with my son and its doing the same now.
As a small business owner, we pay a ridiculous amount for insurance a year out of pocket. I doubt 3-4 extra ultrasounds a pregnancy is hurting any insurance company. It seems like its standard for some doctors to do these ultrasounds... I'm glad mine is one of them. It gave me peace of mind with my son and its doing the same now.
Do some real math. How many women at your practice getting all these ultrasounds at a couple hundred bucks a pop. Multiply that by other shady practices doing the same...yeah it drives up the cost of insurance and just adds to some people not being able to buy into a policy and being lucky to afford just one ultrasound.
Unless you are high risk, you don't need a million scans. Knowing your doctor would have to lie to get you insurance to pay for scans that aren't needed....ethically, that is a slippery slope. If you want to look at your baby some more, go pay $60 and get a quick peek at one of those places in the mall. Or pay out of your own pocket.
You can also get piece of mind by purchasing yourself a fetal doppler.
Yes it is fun to see the baby, but what a waste of your doctor's time.
pretty sure doctor doesn't see it as a waste as i'm sure he or she is billing insurance for each ultrasound.... doctors hardly ever do anything "for free"
Yes it is fun to see the baby, but what a waste of your doctor's time.
pretty sure doctor doesn't see it as a waste as i'm sure he or she is billing insurance for each ultrasound.... doctors hardly ever do anything "for free"
agreed. I think the doctor is getting paid a whole lot of money for an a lot of unneeded ultrasounds.
Hi there, I had an ultrasound last Friday at 6w4d and we saw a heartbeat. It was 105bpm. Dr. thought that was good and that they like to see it over 100 at this point. Good luck!
I'm curious to see how this goes for me. I'm 5/6 weeks. Go to the dr for my 6/7 weeks appointment next tues the 24th. This is my 2nd pregnancy. My son is 10 years old. I had preclampsya with him and I had mirena for the past 10 years (2 of them hense they work for 5 years) and we got pregnant a litgle over a month aftdr getting it removed so I'm curious to see how my firat few appointments go.
My US at 8w4d was considered a dating ultrasound for me. I'm not high risk. I pay a ridiculous amount of money for my insurance and I also pay a ridiculous amount out of my pocket. I did not realize there was such bitterness and animosity about who is getting more US than others. It's not wasteful to me. I'd pay for it every appointment because it is priceless. If you are so unhappy with what your own insurance company is/isn't covering, talk to them. The women on these boards are not at fault nor are their chosen healthcare professionals.
My US at 8w4d was considered a dating ultrasound for me. I'm not high risk. I pay a ridiculous amount of money for my insurance and I also pay a ridiculous amount out of my pocket. I did not realize there was such bitterness and animosity about who is getting more US than others. It's not wasteful to me. I'd pay for it every appointment because it is priceless. If you are so unhappy with what your own insurance company is/isn't covering, talk to them. The women on these boards are not at fault nor are their chosen healthcare professionals.
Lol this isn't animosity about people getting more ultrasounds, I have been the most outspoken and since I have a history of late term loss, early loss, Liver Lesions and HELLP Syndrome, I'll get more ultrasounds that most of you. I'm not bitter about you seeing your baby. I'm not even bothered by the fact that you want to see your baby and take your doctor up on the offer. I am bothered by the doctors who are clearly lying to insurance companies in order to get these scans through and I am bothered by what such practice does to the state of insurance and health care for everyone.
I had an u/a at 6w and we saw heart beat!! It had a heartbeat of 100! Which is normal, tested the heartbeat 3x though so the reading was accurate:) here is a clip from my u/s at 6w! And my dr. Also does a quick U/S every meeting for the first tri! then I get 3-4 throughout the 2nd & 3rd if I remember properly!! Also don't be sad if they can't find the hb either because I know it is possible that it is hard to see and they will probably redo it at 8-10weeks!
I'm glad I got an early ultrasound. Otherwise, I would have gone several weeks/months with a dead baby inside my body. That isn't healthy for me, so I'm very thankful my doctor does them early. It probably saved me from a very serious infection as well. Not a waste of money in my opinion!
I'm glad I got an early ultrasound. Otherwise, I would have gone several weeks/months with a dead baby inside my body. That isn't healthy for me, so I'm very thankful my doctor does them early. It probably saved me from a very serious infection as well. Not a waste of money in my opinion!
no one is arguing one ultrasound, but one at every appt is a bit much. Also, I am very sorry for your loss.
I'm glad I got an early ultrasound. Otherwise, I would have gone several weeks/months with a dead baby inside my body. That isn't healthy for me, so I'm very thankful my doctor does them early. It probably saved me from a very serious infection as well. Not a waste of money in my opinion!
no one is arguing one ultrasound, but one at every appt is a bit much. Also, I am very sorry for your loss.
not to beat a dead horse (but watch me get my stick out anyway! )
I think the issue is not with the patient accepting the additional u/s (or being happy/excited about it!), but it's with the *apparent* practices of this/any doctor using a non-medically necessary procedure to bill more.
I'm sure word is "out" that this practice does many, many u/s. I'm sure women flock to that particular practice, because of that fact. That is shady, IMHO.
Not to mention that the OB practice has to CODE these procedures so they APPEAR to be MEDICALLY NECESSARY to the insurance provider. Which, is ALSO shady.. if not downright fraud, IMHO.
Yes, insurance companies expect/get high premiums. Not just from the patient, but also from their employers. The REAL harm is to the companies/patients who pay these premiums. And in my personal experience, just this year, my (large) company had to CHANGE Insurance providers, because our company claim rates were "higher than expected", and therefore our rates went through the roof! (and our new insurance really stinks, comparatively, which is another rant).
So, sure.. the INSURANCE companies may not appear to care.. but I promise you, your employer and/or your co workers DO CARE when, as an organization, your claims ratio increases (in part due to these TYPES of practices with unnecessary procedures/billing), and therefore your PREMIUMS increase significantly, or in my case, you have to change providors all together!!
I'm glad I got an early ultrasound. Otherwise, I would have gone several weeks/months with a dead baby inside my body. That isn't healthy for me, so I'm very thankful my doctor does them early. It probably saved me from a very serious infection as well. Not a waste of money in my opinion!
no one is arguing one ultrasound, but one at every appt is a bit much. Also, I am very sorry for your loss.
I don't mean this in a rude way or am trying to start a debate, but why would having an U/S at every appt be to much?? Wouldn't you want to see your baby every appt? I know I do:) it is nice to have that reassurnace everything is DEFINITELY going well and baby is growing and happily moving about inside my belly:) I would never complain if I got an u/s every appt! Maybe I'm crazy! Lol. Idk. I'm just curious that is all:)
I'm glad I got an early ultrasound. Otherwise, I would have gone several weeks/months with a dead baby inside my body. That isn't healthy for me, so I'm very thankful my doctor does them early. It probably saved me from a very serious infection as well. Not a waste of money in my opinion!
no one is arguing one ultrasound, but one at every appt is a bit much. Also, I am very sorry for your loss.
I don't mean this in a rude way or am trying to start a debate, but why would having an U/S at every appt be to much?? Wouldn't you want to see your baby every appt? I know I do:) it is nice to have that reassurnace everything is DEFINITELY going well and baby is growing and happily moving about inside my belly:) I would never complain if I got an u/s every appt! Maybe I'm crazy! Lol. Idk. I'm just curious that is all:)
if you go back and read all the responses I think this question would be more than answered. Hell I'd buy an ultrasound machine if I could afford one. I own my own doppler for my own peace of mind, BUT it is unethical to get costly medical procedures that are not needed. Ultrasounds are meant to be used as diagnostic tools, they are not fun video machines that exist for our fun, enjoyment, or peace of mind.
not to beat a dead horse (but watch me get my stick out anyway! )
I think the issue is not with the patient accepting the additional u/s (or being happy/excited about it!), but it's with the *apparent* practices of this/any doctor using a non-medically necessary procedure to bill more.
I'm sure word is "out" that this practice does many, many u/s. I'm sure women flock to that particular practice, because of that fact. That is shady, IMHO.
Not to mention that the OB practice has to CODE these procedures so they APPEAR to be MEDICALLY NECESSARY to the insurance provider. Which, is ALSO shady.. if not downright fraud, IMHO.
Yes, insurance companies expect/get high premiums. Not just from the patient, but also from their employers. The REAL harm is to the companies/patients who pay these premiums. And in my personal experience, just this year, my (large) company had to CHANGE Insurance providers, because our company claim rates were "higher than expected", and therefore our rates went through the roof! (and our new insurance really stinks, comparatively, which is another rant).
So, sure.. the INSURANCE companies may not appear to care.. but I promise you, your employer and/or your co workers DO CARE when, as an organization, your claims ratio increases (in part due to these TYPES of practices with unnecessary procedures/billing), and therefore your PREMIUMS increase significantly, or in my case, you have to change providors all together!!
We are small business owners. We pay our own insurance and co pays. An insane, ridiculous amount. Talking to friends in my area, my doctors approach with ultrasounds is completly normal. I don't think any doctor is right or wrong. This is my doctor, who I trust and brought my healthy son into this world. I'm not questioning that...
Re: 6 week ultrasound
I'm really not being snarky, although I think first tri brings that out in me. I myself get a lot of ultrasounds because I am very high risk, but even I don't get one every appt.
I hope she plans on her insurance denying all but the one she actually needs.
Well considering this is my second child being delivered with the same doctor, I think the insurance is good. We pay a lot for good insurance and its never been questioned. And your calculations are a little off, if ultrasounds are $200 a visit. I said he does them up to 13 weeks. Visiting every 3 weeks, that would be 3 ultrasounds. Not that excessive.
I am probably the least snarky person on the bump, it is almost laughable, but my history on the bump is being on the other side of that equation.
I'm not saying I wouldn't love a million ultrasounds. I'm really thinking shame on these doctors though, things like this affect everyone.
Unless you are high risk, you don't need a million scans. Knowing your doctor would have to lie to get you insurance to pay for scans that aren't needed....ethically, that is a slippery slope. If you want to look at your baby some more, go pay $60 and get a quick peek at one of those places in the mall. Or pay out of your own pocket.
You can also get piece of mind by purchasing yourself a fetal doppler.
You only "need" 1 of those.
This. Congratulations @TheRealNJhousewife.
My US at 8w4d was considered a dating ultrasound for me. I'm not high risk. I pay a ridiculous amount of money for my insurance and I also pay a ridiculous amount out of my pocket. I did not realize there was such bitterness and animosity about who is getting more US than others. It's not wasteful to me. I'd pay for it every appointment because it is priceless. If you are so unhappy with what your own insurance company is/isn't covering, talk to them. The women on these boards are not at fault nor are their chosen healthcare professionals.
My US at 8w4d was considered a dating ultrasound for me. I'm not high risk. I pay a ridiculous amount of money for my insurance and I also pay a ridiculous amount out of my pocket. I did not realize there was such bitterness and animosity about who is getting more US than others. It's not wasteful to me. I'd pay for it every appointment because it is priceless. If you are so unhappy with what your own insurance company is/isn't covering, talk to them. The women on these boards are not at fault nor are their chosen healthcare professionals.
Amen. Congrats to you as well
Also don't be sad if they can't find the hb either because I know it is possible that it is hard to see and they will probably redo it at 8-10weeks!
I don't mean this in a rude way or am trying to start a debate, but why would having an U/S at every appt be to much?? Wouldn't you want to see your baby every appt? I know I do:) it is nice to have that reassurnace everything is DEFINITELY going well and baby is growing and happily moving about inside my belly:) I would never complain if I got an u/s every appt! Maybe I'm crazy! Lol. Idk. I'm just curious that is all:)
Talking to friends in my area, my doctors approach with ultrasounds is completly normal. I don't think any doctor is right or wrong. This is my doctor, who I trust and brought my healthy son into this world. I'm not questioning that...