I'm just coming off a rough bedtime...
I have a very active and very curious baby. Which is delightful and lovely, most of the time. It gets hard at bedtime because even though he's dog tired, he just won't give it up. For example, if I rock him, he literally jumps up and down in my lap giggling. If I sing or hum to him, he puts his hand on my throat to feel the vibrations and smiles or sings along or giggles. If I nurse him, he pops off every couple seconds to look around the room, again more giggling. You get the idea. I'm sure I'll look back on all this and think it's really cute, but right now it's driving me bonkers.
We have a bedtime routine (bath after dinner, lotion/massage, books, nurse). And even though he's rubbing his eyes and yawning throughout, by the time we get to the nursing part, it's everything I mentioned above. He's so crazy.
A couple times, just because I needed a break, I have left him for 5-10 minutes. He starts crying and works himself up pretty bad. Once I feel like I have garnered some energy, I go back to him, and at that point he's so exhausted that he will finally fall asleep nursing or rocking. But I really don't want to have to do this. I guess it's not really CIO, but it's too close for my comfort.
So, after this novel (thanks for reading, btw), does anyone have any tips for getting him to chill out at bedtime? No CIO advice, please.
Re: Tips to get LO to wind down at night?