Thanks Ladies. The situation is this: we are trying to adopt our sons bio sib. The birth parents are on board with this plan. We are looking at a public/open/domestic plan and I guess what I need to know is what is required on our end (I have tried contacting social services in both provinces but not having any luck). Home study (we had one five years ago..will we need a brand new one or will we need a refresher?)? PRIDE (we are in this a requirement?), after baby is born..can we care for her or how does this work? Sorry to have so many questions that may seem too non-specific (trying to respect privacy) but any thoughts you can offer would be great. Like I said, we are in Ontairo and birth parents are in a Maritime province. I feel very much like I am doing this on my own with no support from either end (as far as social workers go etc) as it's very hard to get them to return a phone call or answer questions. Anyway, I appreciate your help and's been a bad week.
Re: Interprovincial Public Adoption
'm on my phone and can't see tickers. Are ticker warnings now required on this board for pregnancies?