Natural Birth

What to expect when inducing...

I am 8 days past my due date and booked for a gel treatment on Monday morning. This is my first pregnancy and not sure what to expect when this happens. I'm hoping to have the most natural birth as possible. I've been active walking daily for 30 for 45 minutes sometimes 2-3 times a day depending how my back feels. I've read about the raspberry tea haven't tried it but not sure if it would be of any benefit at this point, but I have been eating pineapple like crazy! My OB is a very busy and experienced one but doesn't spend a whole lot of time informing me of what's going on especially when it's my first. Probably won't go back to him should we choose to have a second child. Does anyone out there know what I should expect with this gel treatment? 

Re: What to expect when inducing...

  • No advice on this but just wishing you the best of luck and lots of positive thoughts coming your way!
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  • Never heard of a gel treatment, but good luck!
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  • Hello--I have been stalking this board for a few weeks, as my DH and I are now TTC our first and are hoping to be all natural! (Possibly even a home birth, but the jury is still out on that one.) Anyway, I think that the gel, if it is what I am thinking of, is used to make the cervix softer and in so doing stimulate labor. If the gel is called Prostaglandin, I think it contains a chemical that is also in semen--part of the reason why sex can induce labor. :-)
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • There's a lot of things out there to try however if babies not ready nothing is going to work. May I ask why there inducing you ? If there's not medical reason behind it I would decline till 42 weeks to allow your body to do it on its own. I went to 42 weeks with my first before labor started and I tried everything short of castor oil . I walked my butt of , sex sex and more sex. Spicy foods , pineapple , bouncing on a ball , nipple stimulation nothing worked . It just wasnt time . Withy second I didn't do anything knowing it wasnt going to help if I was going to labor I was going to go if not then I was just waring myself out. She came on her own at 41 weeks 3 days . I sure hope you do go into labor soon lots and lots of labor dust for you! Whatever you do don't allow anything that would keep you in the bed once labor starts .
  • Btw a close friend of mine used the gel and it worked great for her . She was already at a 3 when she went in though . She ended up with potocin but was still able to birth without an epi or other drugs ! You can do this !!!
  • Thanks for the well wishes. Yes, I believe the gel is to soften the cervix. This week will be my 42nd week, so I'm looking forward to getting on with it and meeting our new little one healthy and safely. I guess it's so true that every pregnancy is different for every woman and you just have to listen to your body and trust it. Thanks again!!
  • Its called a prostaglandin E2 gel, I was not induced with the gel but instead the prostaglandin insert (like a tampon) called cervidil.

    Its to ripen and soften the cervix before a pitocin induction, however sometimes it can put you into labor on its own.  Good luck
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