I am 8 days past my due date and booked for a gel treatment on Monday morning. This is my first pregnancy and not sure what to expect when this happens. I'm hoping to have the most natural birth as possible. I've been active walking daily for 30 for 45 minutes sometimes 2-3 times a day depending how my back feels. I've read about the raspberry tea haven't tried it but not sure if it would be of any benefit at this point, but I have been eating pineapple like crazy! My OB is a very busy and experienced one but doesn't spend a whole lot of time informing me of what's going on especially when it's my first. Probably won't go back to him should we choose to have a second child. Does anyone out there know what I should expect with this gel treatment?
Re: What to expect when inducing...
Its to ripen and soften the cervix before a pitocin induction, however sometimes it can put you into labor on its own. Good luck