Baby Names

Final 5 girl middle name choices

Hi: We have decided on Brooke for a first name for DD #2 (DD#1 is Sierra Rose). We want a middle name that sounds softer to go with the hard consonants in Brooke. Please let me know your thoughts on these final 5 choices. Thanks!

Brooke Abigail
Brooke Autumn (I'm due in Nov so that's Autumn)
Brooke Evelyn
Brooke Everly
Brooke Madelyn - doesn't flow as easily but includes the first letters of the first names of our 4 deceased grandmothers

In final 2 WW after 1st injectible IUI cycle with gonadotropins, Gonal-F. IUI was 9/23. DH will not do another cycle, so this is it for us. History: 6 pregnancies: 5 losses and one DD (born 1-30-2010). Last pregnancy (May 2012) ended in D&E at 9 weeks, testing showed male fetus with an extra 16th chromosone. Recurrent losses thought to be likely due to AMA (I'm 40).

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