3rd Trimester


RMarie88RMarie88 member
edited September 2013 in 3rd Trimester
Hey guys...so today I had my 3rd trimester sono and the sono tech mentioned I had some extra amniotic fluid. I was surprised because I've been having trouble drinking the recommended amount of liquid my whole pregnancy. Well I got home from my appointment and about 20 minutes after I got home the sono tech called me and said my doctor looked over my sono and wants me to start getting weekly non-stress tests and another test I forget the name of but she described it as a sono and they just watch the baby move around for a bit and the doctor looks at both of these tests and determine if the baby's in any distress. I wasn't familiar with Polyhydramnios at all so I looked it up on the internet and I've scared myself a bit...talk of premature birth, perinatal death, umbilical cord prolapse, and hemorrhage after delivery...scary things. I can't really find any information as to why Polyhydramnios can cause the baby distress while in the womb though. I completely trust my doctor and feel if he thought something was wrong right now he would of told me to go into the hospital, but I don't know if there's other warning signs I should be looking out for, if I should be concerend, or maybe preparing myself for an early labor (induction was mentioned a lot when I searched Polyhydramnios)? Does anyone have any experience with this condition?

Re: Polyhydramnios...

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    My coworker had this and got induced at 39 weeks. Her baby was completely fine when she was born and she had no other complications. It's probably ok. She did have to go for weekly nonstress tests. Good luck to you! 
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    Im sorry you're dealing with this, I've heard of it but dont have firsthand knowledge. one thing I learned is that its never a good idea to google pregnancy symptoms. I would say its good your doctor is monitoring you closely, better to be safe about it!
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    :::raises hand:::

    I had it with my first pregnancy. My perfect 8lb 13oz boy was born at 39 weeks. Healthy as can be.

    I was just diagnosed again with it this pregnancy. Same deal as last time. NSTs twice per week until delivery.

    It's really not bad. Don't google. I did the same thing last time and scared myself. My doctors aren't worried, so I'm not either.
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    I am just shy of 37 weeks with it. I was actually measuring 4 1/2 weeks ahead and then 7 weeks ahead at one point. Mostly because of fluid. Baby is larger, but fine.

    I had no clue of the name because OB has not expressed concern and I decided to look it up to see why I was having weekly ultrasounds. I have only had one NST. I was told at that one that my baby moved to much for a baby around 36 weeks. Not sure what that means, but ok.

    I am a mandatory Csection, so I will be delivering in my 39th week anyway.
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    Thanks for the replies! Google is great but can also be really scary. I think the thing I'm most scared of is there being something wrong with my little girl, like a genetic thing, and that's why I have too much fluid...but the sono tech said I had just some extra fluid not tons and I had all the tests earlier in pregnancy to check for genetic problems and they all came back normal. Also, there's no genetic problems on either my or my husbands side. I really think if my doctor thought it was a genetic thing he would of ordered an amniocentesis, and he hasn't so I just need to calm down. Thanks again ladies. :)
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    You can always ask what your fluid level number is at your checks. I was told "normal" is 7-25. Mine was 28 recently.
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    Thanks for this thread ladies. I have this too and googled and freaked myself out a bit. My sister had high risk pregnancies so my family was freaking me out too. My dr hasnt ordered weekly ultrasounds or nsts but I asked him for an ultrasound where they actually measure the amount of fluid. The result of that came back "mild polyhydramnios". All reports suggest I have a pretty big baby psb 9 pounder and my dr said polyhydramnios is normal with big babies.
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    Lurking. I had it with my first and aside from the annoying weekly visits for NST like you mentioned, it was really no big deal. My water broke at 39 weeks and there was a LOT of fluid for not even being dilated 1cm...It was gross, and those are my only complaints. Don't Google. You'll be fine!

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    My first pregnancy I had poly, and it was a sign of his birth defect.
    My second I had worse poly and he was born perfectly healthy.
    I have it this time as well and the 3 level II sonograms I have had all give baby a clean bill of health.
    Try not to worry. It's HIGHLY likely that it'a just high fluid levels and nothing more.
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    I have this as well. I'm getting the weekly NSTs and bio-physical profile sonograms. I'm 40 weeks today, but she isn't letting me go past Thursday if I'm still pregnant she's going to induce. My OB hasn't acted like it's a big deal, just doesn't want me to go way past my due date.
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    There is a school of thought out there with homeopathic followers that Stevia (the artificial sweetner) causes excess fluid. Maybe, just as a precaution, stay away from artificial sweeteners. It might be b/s but better safe than sorry.  
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    Lurking:: I had this with my DS2. I was induced at 39 weeks and 3 days because I was 4cm dialated with a bulging bag of waters and had a fast first labor. My dr. was concerned that I would have a cord prolapse if my water broke on its own. I was told if my water broke to get on the ground. Scared the mess out of me. My induction went great 5 hours total and a 9lb healthy baby boy.
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    I am getting a BPP Ultrasound on Friday to test for this, hoping it's not a sign of anything and just means extra fluid like you guys have said.  I'm still a little nervous though, my doc didn't seem "overly" concerned, other than to order the ultrasound since I was measuring 5 wks ahead.  

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    I talked to my OB more about it and she says she does not start to worry till you hit 30. I was at 25 friday. The Friday before was 21. OB did say that the numbers will fluctuate a little bit with how hydrated you are at that moment. Either way, I had 2 weeks left from last appt (Csection). Since it is a Csection, it just means more liquid. Baby is fine and they estimate a 9lb 7oz baby. May be true. My last was 9lbs 2oz. I now have NSTs 2 times a week but no more ultrasounds.

    DS1 - 6/07
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    With this pregnancy the tech noted it on my anatomy scan. Like you, I google'd and freaked. Then, I was able to find a passage in a book that in 60% of the cases, mild polio. clears on its own. Other concerns might be GD, but I just passed the 1 hour test. Then, I'd read about possible problems with baby's kidneys or heart. So far his heart beat has always been strong...
    I was kind of ticked that when I askex the dr. if mine was severe or mild, no answer could be given. She didn't have an amnio # for me and never measurex again.
    I looked on-line and found a place nearby that did Level I ultrasounds in addition to the3d/4d pics. Found out my fluid was 17. Slightly above median, but normal!
    I'm relatively natural food-wise and don't use Stevia or anything like that. No idea on causes.
    P.s. When I searchex the bump and postex I had some very reassuring posts. I would like another natural birth and wondered about cord prolapse & squatting, I.e. Some moms just had more fluid, but it didn't majorly affect the birth.
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    I had polyhydramnios with my 2nd pregnancy.  Normal was 7-25 (though they wanted you less than 20) and I had 33.  I had a healthy diet (no stevia, natural and clean eating) and worked out, so I should have had the "textbook pregnancy". I had to do biweekly NSTs and AFIs to check on the little guy.  Even though I passed the 1hr, I had to the 3hr since poly can be a sign of GD.  I had one level flag on the 3hr, so I was labeled "glucose intolerant" but that was it.  I was induced at 39 weeks due to my midwife's fears of a prolapsed cord (at 4cm during my 36week check) and gave birth to a health, 8lb 6oz, boy.
    I: November 2011 
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    I am currently 28 weeks pregnant and have severe polyhydramnios. I have had a amniocentesis done along with many other tests, which all came back normal. They are not able to determine what is causing it at this time. The biggest concern is an early labor at this point for myself. My doctor had told me that many times they are not able to determine the cause! Best of luck to you!
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