You have great taste! This LO is going to be named Violet and if we have another girl she'll be Callie I really don't like Bailey for a girl though, sorry!
I love the name Callie but DH thinks its a NN and we can't find a full name we like. Violet is adorable too, Bailey is cute...on a maltipoo. Lillian I love but I know a few Lilly's which is sad because I think that is so precious on a little girl.
Lillian and Vivian are too similar for my liking especially paired with Legion and Rose. Violet starts with a V ( then you have 2 girls with a V name and one without) Bailey just isn't nearly as feminine and pretty as your other girls names. I don't like Callie as a full name. Maybe Calista nn Cali?
Re: Girls Names
Violet starts with a V ( then you have 2 girls with a V name and one without)
Bailey just isn't nearly as feminine and pretty as your other girls names.
I don't like Callie as a full name. Maybe Calista nn Cali?