Hi. Wondering if anyone has any advice or info.
I BF my son for 14 months. I used my pump (Medela PISA) 2-4 times a day, 3-4 days a week for about nine months.
Assuming all goes as planned, I would like to do the same with this baby. Do I need to buy new pump parts? Tubing, valves, membranes etc?
When I last used it (last March, I think), it seemed to be working as well as it had when I started.
Thanks for any advice.
Re: xp: question about using pump for 2nd child
I haven't pumped much at all with #2 (maybe 5 times, he wouldn't take a bottle) but I had just happened to buy all new before I stopped pumping for #1.
I don't think I would have replaced everything, maybe the membranes and the tubing if it looked like it needed it.