My daughter was born 3 weeks ago at 34 weeks and luckily is doing well after a 2 week NICU stay and medication for a heart condition. Now that we're settled at home I keep thinking about what happened the last few weeks of my pregnancy and I wanted to see if anyone else experienced the same thing as me. My pregnancy was uneventful until an ob appointment at 30 weeks when the midwife talked me into getting a Pap smear. I trusted that she knew what I needed and let her proceed. I ended up gushing blood to the point of her having to get one of the obgyns to help her stop the bleeding. I bled for three days after that. 2 weeks later I was 75% effaced and a few centimeters dialated and put on bed rest. 2 weeks after that my water broke and Zoe was born. I can't decide if I'm just dying for a reason, or if there is really some fault here. I plan on asking at my postpartum checkup but would love to know if anyone else has any experience with this.
Re: Bleeding & early labor - thoughts?
And, the cause of my PTL is completely unknown. It's so annoying not having any clear answers. Keep us posted.