Some friends of ours got theirs from Henri's in Buckhead. They just did colored filling instead of dyed cake, so it was more natural looking. Word of warning though, the cake looked nothing like what they had ordered. Their theme was Bowties or Bows and was supposed to be black and white on the outside (choc w/ white icing) and instead it had baby booties and a rattle or some other baby paraphernalia and was white with pink and blue icing. Just oddly different from the order even with a picture of the order taped to the box. The MTB was so terrified they would give away the gender if she made them fix it and there wasn't time anyway, so she let it go.
Re: Bakery Recs?
They just did colored filling instead of dyed cake, so it was more natural looking.
Word of warning though, the cake looked nothing like what they had ordered. Their theme was Bowties or Bows and was supposed to be black and white on the outside (choc w/ white icing) and instead it had baby booties and a rattle or some other baby paraphernalia and was white with pink and blue icing. Just oddly different from the order even with a picture of the order taped to the box. The MTB was so terrified they would give away the gender if she made them fix it and there wasn't time anyway, so she let it go.