
Carrier after C-Section/bad back?

Hi all, I'm interested in registering for a baby carrier but I'm curious to hear your thoughts first. After your c-section, when were you comfortable wearing the baby and what carrier did you use/would you recommend? I also have a bad lower back and curious to hear if you might know of carriers that are best for those with bad backs. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Re: Carrier after C-Section/bad back?

  • We purchased the ergo carrier before LO was born.  I used it about a month PP, but found it to be kind of bulky for me.  DH will still use it, but I ultimately just looked online into baby wearing and chose to go that route.  I went to the fabric store and bought 4.5 yds of a fabric I liked (blue seersucker, if I'm going "hippy" with carrying my child, then we're using "preppy" fabric).  You only need it to be about 20" wide, so I was able to cut it down the middle and get 2 carriers.  I watched a video online on how to wrap LO up and that's what I've been doing since.  It only takes 30 sec max to get him strapped on and it's much more comfortable for me (and LO) and it takes no room to keep on hand.
  • That sounds adorable and affordable-perfect combo! Thanks!

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  • I have the k'tan. It doesn't get anywhere near the incision. I have a bad neck and it is comfy for me, not sure about a bad back though...

    TTC since August 2011 (Me-29, DH-32).
    4/28/2012 - SA: 5% motility.
    5/21/2012 - SA: same results.
    Only shot is IVF (ICSI)
    5/31/2012 - HSG: all clear
    6/22/2012 - appt with RE, confirmed ICSI is necessary.
    8/3/2012 - First IVF Monitoring Appointment
    8/17/2012 - Egg Retrieval (retrieved 23 eggs, 3 made it to freezer)
    8/18/2012 - OHSS - hospitalized, need to wait one cycle to transfer embryo(s) due to OHSS
    8/29/2012 - begin meds for frozen cycle
    10/12/2012 - FET one embryo
    10/24/2012 - Beta #1: 442
    10/26/2012 - Beta #2: 947
    10/29/2012 - Beta #3: 2900!
    11/15/2012 - first u/s: baby measuring perfect, heart rate is right on target
    2/6/2013 - A/S looked perfect. Still team green by choice!
    7/6/2013 - Baby girl born after 44 hours of un-medicated labor, 2 hours of pushing, and emergency c-section due to transverse head.  DD was perfectly healthy at 6 pounds, 14 ounces.  We are thrilled!!
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