Baby Names

The Final Stretch and STILL No name!

Hello Ladies!
I wrote a few months ago for name advice. Since then, a few things have changed requiring new names.

So far, we have decided on MN Ruth. This is my grandmother's name and my MIL's name. I love it, but dont want it to be a first name.

We are still searching for the perfect first name. I thought we'd decided on the name Layla. My husband and I told no one of this decision. Then two months ago, my brother in law's gf gave birth to a baby girl and they named her Jayla. Also, a good friend named her daughter Leila in August. My second fave was Ava, but my hubby doesn't like it :(
So we are back to the drawing board.

My new fave: Avery (hubby not in love)
His fave: Alexandra (I'm okay with it but don't LOVE it)
Others on the list:
Kyra, Aja, Alexa,Quinn

I'm starting to get Stressed OUT and fear that nothing will really capture my heart. Thanks in advance for the help!

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Re: The Final Stretch and STILL No name!

  • I like Alexandra, Alexa, and Quinn. Leah is similar-ish to Layla. I also really like Rose, Violet, and Lily if those are names that interest you. 

    Maybe look at other family names or names of favorite characters in literature? That's where I got inspiration for my DDs names. 

    If it comes down to it, take your top favorite names with you to the hospital and name her once you meet her after she's born. 
    image image
  • The la sound is really good with Ruth I think...

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  • What about Delilah, Lila or Selah (see-la)?
    Loss #1 2008, Loss #2 2010, Loss #3 2011, Loss #4 2012, Loss #5 2012
    Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014

    ~DS Born! 2009~
    ~DD Born! 2013~
    ~DD due! 2015~

  • From your list I like Alexandra and Quinn the best. I also like Avery, but prefer it on a boy.

    Other suggestions for you:
    Amina, Annora, Raya, Norah, Amalia, Ada (much less popular than Ava), Vera, Delia,Nola, Willa.

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • Thank you, Ladies! I'll mull these over and practice saying them out loud.

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