We are currently at a stand-still for boy names and we have several girl names we will keep on 'the list' until B-day, but looking for some outside advice. Maybe it will give me a push/second wind with new ideas. Any help is so appreciated!
Ps. I know some people are nn'ers, but I am and while it's not necessarily important to me to call this kid something other than what it was named, I would still like to hear an opinion on some of these names if you'd could share.
Jagger - Really, it's not meant to be trendy. It's an Old English name, and I thought it was a nice compromise between DH who loves Jack and I want something more than just Jack for a FN. Jackson is on the list but it's sooo trendy right now.
Sebastian - Would the nn Bo/Beau work for this? DH likes Sebastian, and while I do, too, I love the name Beau/Bo and was wondering if that would work. WDYT?
Sabine - (Sa-been) DH loves this name for a girl. Our DD is Sofia, and while I loved this name the first go-round, not sure how I feel about having one classy/old name and one unique name.
Gemma - I love the flow of having daughters named Sofia and Gemma. I really like the nn Emmie and Gigi for this. Would Emmie work in your opinion? I've googled it and have seen comments that it's been a nn for some.
Re: Team Green List o' Names - wanna give me your opinions?
I love Gemma! I have a friend with a baby girl Gemma and they call her Gigi. I think Emmie would work, but if you are worried about trendy I would avoid this very common nn.
I like Sabine; not really my style. However, I think it's too close with DD's name. Gemma and Sofia make a better sibset.
Jagger is just awful to me. I like Sebastian in theory, but I don't like it in real life. I heard it on a boy at the playground and it seemed very strange. I, too, love the name Beau, but I think it's a stretch for Sebastian.
Sebastian- like!
Sabine- love this.
Gemma- like it best with your dd, but I dislike the nn Emmie/Emma with that- if you like those why not just name her Emma?
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
Love: March 2010 Marriage: July 2013 Debt Free: October 2014 TTC: April 2015
Oscar born November 20, 2016 at 35w6d
Gemma is alright. It's nms but I think it would be cute on a little girl, having said that I'm not sure that it ages all that well. Sabine is very pretty.
#2 - EDD Nov. 15, '14
Jagger. It's just going to be Mick Jagger in people's heads.
Sabine. NMS. I would prefer to meet a Sabrina.
Gemma is nice.
BFP #2 11/6/13 - EDD 7/14/14 - blighted ovum discovered @ 7w - natural m/c @ 10w3d
BFP #3 5/25/14 - EDD 2/1/15 - Hoping this is our 2nd little owl
A/S findings: Baby is a girl! EIF found on heart
but maternit21 came back neg for chromosome disorders!!
Jagger is NMS. It seems impossible to separate from Mick Jagger. I would assume Jagger's parents were HUGE 'Stones fans. I like Jack, though I would definitely not use Jackson. It's really, really overdone.
I looove Sebastian, but unless you're pronouncing it drastically different from me (due to an uncommon accent or something...), I don't see how you could make the NN Beau work. If you like Beau, you could do Beauregard, Beaumont, Boaz, or just plain Beau. I've heard the NNs Bastian, Bash, and Sea-Bass for Sebastian.
Sabine is pretty and I like it with Sofia. I like Gemma slightly better, though I don't see using Emmie as a NN. It works and all, but Gem/Gemmie is way more intuitive, for one thing, and for another thing, there are already sooo many Emmies and Ellies running around.
Holy cow...THANK YOU all for your opinions!
The Jagger thing...I know. It does sound like I'd be trying way too hard to be super cool and trendy. But, ironically, just the opposite. Hmpf. Ah well. Maybe I'll keep it on the list for leverage to get Sebastian. lol!
I do love Sebastian, but DH is not completely on board. He just loves the name Jack, but is going for the FN Jackson. I'm not sold, yet. So popular. I grew up with such a unique name, Chandra, and here I am naming my kids cookie-cutter names. Though the most important thing is that I like them.
Also, for Sebastian, I was google-ing it all over the place last night and read that some go by Sam. WDYT? Sebastian is such a long name to me, I am just a nn'ing kinda gal.
Gemma, I never heard of before Sons of Anarchy (which premiers tonight - SQUEEEE!!!) and I love it. I also read that some go by Gia.
My H reminded me that he does love Sabine still, and that we have Everly on the list (Evie).
Also, if anyone has any suggestions on how to take Jack to the next level for a FN, I'm all ears. Same as with mn help with Sebastian.
Thank you so much. You all have been extremely helpful.
I really dislike Jagger. I know people hate this comment, but it falls under the "trying too hard" umbrella for me.
I like Sebastian. It's been on and off my boy list for years. It's currently off, as I am a huge NN person and this name doesn't seem to have any natural NNs. I love Beau, but I don't think it works for Sebastian. I think if you are just going to call your kid "Sebastian" it's a good pick.
I super love Gemma. It's just gorgeous. It's one of my co-worker's names and she goes a lot by Gem, which I also think is lovely.
Sabine is just OK for me.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12