I don't have a link because of work, but ...
What is going on with Miley Cyrus? I just watched the video for this song, and its like she is being gratuitous. It sounded like a good song, but does the girl own a pair of pants?
Also, all I can think of is holy vaginal infection from sitting naked on that dusty wrecking ball.
I get trying to shed the Disney image and growing up, but really???
Re: Have we discussed Wrecking Ball???
She's such an "artist"!
I like the song. I just wonder about her motivation. If she really likes her body and wants to be viewed sexually all.the.time, more power to her.
I think her talent would suffice, if she would let it. But she does have people talking.
I just wonder what is next?
Back Door Disney???
FWIW, I would show my boobs off all.the.time if they looked like that.
Though I will say a different video would of made the song less icky.
Well, where else do you go if you want to keep shocking for the sake of being shocking?
It was more an off hand comment. Ya know, sarcasm.
Also squick to the vag on the ball but its a video and I'm just going to pretend Hollywood had some special tricks to avoid dirty wrecking ball vagina.
I guess I should save this for FFFC, but I watched the video on my phone last night and I kinda liked it - minus the hammer licking.
I thought the song was good, her voice was good and it was arty.
DD#1 born 9/29/2010; DD#2 born 2/25/2013
I second that.
As far as "tearing her body apart" I just don't see what there is to look at or envy. She definitely looks like she's been doing drugs and has no boobs or ass. I'd rather look like Scarlet Johansson or Katy Perry.
But I do agree I admire her more for keep on keepin on after her break up or whatever and not going all Craylor and wallowing. Although this song is pretty mushy and I prefer her up beat stuff.
I didn't say that. I said I don't envy her body because she doesn't have any curves. If other people do that's cool, I just don't see it.
I've heard she and Liam broke up but then I heard they got back together. There have been pics of them together recently but as far as I know (which isn't very far) they aren't living together anymore.
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD