
Do you believe in spirits/mediums?

I'm watching Long Island Medium right now lol  I don't really give it much thought but there's one thing that happened to me that's always stuck with me.

DH and I met with a potential DJ for our wedding.  She asked me if there were any particular songs I absolutely had to have played and I said "My nana is passed away but there's a song that she always said was the only "modern" song she ever liked."  Before I could finish the DJ said "Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog?" My eyes just slid slowly in the direction of my FI and I was all "Did you...?  Have you two...?  What the fuck??"  She claims it's a song many old people claim to like but I still just couldn't get over the idea of her guessing that one song out of all the songs in existence.  I'm not sure it was anything more like luck but sometimes when I'm missing my nana (like today, her birthday), I like to think of that and that she was there :)
Formerly known as elmoali :)


Re: Do you believe in spirits/mediums?

  • One of my really good friends is a medium.  She does reading for me all the time.  
  • Nope.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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  • I don't know that I am anti-spiritualist, but I definitely think most of the people who claim to be one are charlatans. I think they are intuitive and know what questions to ask to elicit information from their victims.

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  • I just finished reading a book where this was the central theme. I'm not sure what I believe. The rational part of me thinks that sometimes things happen that we want to attribute greater meaning to because it's comforting but the more sentimental part of me wants to believe that there are things in this world that we cannot explain including loved ones being able to reach out to us from beyond the grave so to speak.  

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  • I love the word charlatan.

    a+ @acaudil75

    I'm pretty sure you will be fined by the government if you use the word spiritualist without charlatan.


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  • No
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Nope 
  • Well, if Long Island Medium isn't staged, then I 100% believe in Teresa. That show is amazing and I'm dying to know if it is 100% legitimate. Like if she really doesn't know anything about the people she's meeting. 
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  • Yes to both. I don't necessarily like the idea of making money off it, and with out a doubt there are people who are scammers. But, I believe people do have spiritual powers and can some how communicate.
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    Rap Roller
  • 100%. I used to work with one who has since become a very good friend. She wrote a book about it awhile back. It's called "Memoirs of a Medium"
  • bulbasaur359bulbasaur359 member
    edited September 2013
    I believe in spirits wholeheartedly. I've had too many incidents to not. Mediums I'm uncertain on. I've had paranormal experiences that some people find scary. Especially my older brother who runs when you try to tell him anything lol. 

    Edit bc typing fail. 

  • edited September 2013
    Spirits, yes I think so... Mediums, I think I'm a healthy skeptic ... Like... I'm sure fraud is much more prevalent than not, and I'm not easily convinced right off the bat, but I'm also not going to insist it's impossible either.... maybe there are those out there that are more sensitive to that "dimension" or however you might define it..

    I find with most subjects in life people form beliefs on that require at least a little bit of faith, I'm always one of those that's like "maybe...maybe not"... I'm frustrating. :)

    Cat leg goes crazy and beats itself in the face

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  • Well, I've had several experiences with what could be construed as paranormal. My mom has as well. 

    When I was 3 my grandfather on my mother's side passed away. For 2 nights my mom awoke to the door leading into the garage wide open with the deadbolt still out. No one at the house did it. My older brother remembers and refuses to talk about it. He's a scaredy cat with this stuff. 

    After my aunt passed away suddenly at the age of 46 I was at her house after the funeral. As we were leaving the grandmother clock she had on the landing upstairs started chiming. It had just started keeping time. Before she had passed she had been trying to fix it and had it looked at and no one could get it to work. My aunt was stubborn lol. Freaked out my cousin but my mom and I weren't bothered at all. I thanked her for that sign. 

    After my dad passed I had more experiences. Actually surprised as he was the type so say that when you die then poof you're gone. Well, he was wrong and I think he proved it. Actually, I was at work the day he passed. I was a cashier at Home Depot and kept having register problems. First they all went out then just mine. This had my supervisor send me to lunch a bit early. As I pulled up to work at the end of lunch I got a call that daddy was in the hospital because of a heart attack. I didn't know that at the time he had already passed. My brother wanted me with someone when I found out. So my register stopped working likely as he left this world. A couple of days later as my mom, my younger brother, and I were in my dad's truck to go out to dinner the radio kept saying the volume was changing but the level stayed the same. Just the radio showed the volume number going up and down. The first day I went back to work I was in a left turn lane for the freeway at like 5:30 am and it was still dark and I swear I saw him in the car behind me and the inside of the car was lit up like daylight almost. Then a month later we were at Glamis where he had the heart attack. It's an off-road place for quads (my dad had one), motorcycles and 4x4's that kinda thing. At the sand dune known as competition hill (for those that know what I am talking about) where he had the attack we saw what looked like in his writing a capital R on the hill. Like in his signature the R. It was like it was written by a bike on the hill with no sign of them riding there or away from it. We have pictures of that. Also, I was at my old house which we think is haunted and as I was sitting on the couch I saw a dark tall figure walk from the sliding glass door to the kitchen. I went into the kitchen and it was gone. It was like 3 am so I just went to bed. I also walked up to a pepsi can vibrating on a table. Nothing was in it. My daughter as we were about to move kept saying man coming I hope she saw my dad.

    Ok, total tl;dr sorry about that. If anyone got through the novel please forgive me and thank you.

  • I believe in both, but am super cautious as there is good and evil "spirits" just as there is good and evil in this life.  Not something to be taken lightly...
  • I believe in spirits, for sure. I also believe that some people may be more sensitive to them than others. I am unsure about mediums. I do believe that there are both good and bad spirits, and that one should be careful with things like Ouija boards and the like. My MILs house is a hot bed of spookilicious paranormal activity. She has had several paranormal groups in to "investigate." And eerily enough, they all pick up almost identical EVP readings in a specific room of her house. I have personally witnessed things in her house that I can't rationalize away. To each his own, I suppose.
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  • Not even a little.



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    Formerly Twilightmv
  • I believe in cold reading and think that mediums are damn good cold readers.

    I do not believe they speak to spirits.

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