I'm watching Long Island Medium right now lol I don't really give it much thought but there's one thing that happened to me that's always stuck with me.
DH and I met with a potential DJ for our wedding. She asked me if there were any particular songs I absolutely had to have played and I said "My nana is passed away but there's a song that she always said was the only "modern" song she ever liked." Before I could finish the DJ said "Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog?" My eyes just slid slowly in the direction of my FI and I was all "Did you...? Have you two...? What the fuck??" She claims it's a song many old people claim to like but I still just couldn't get over the idea of her guessing that one song out of all the songs in existence. I'm not sure it was anything more like luck but sometimes when I'm missing my nana (like today, her birthday), I like to think of that and that she was there

Formerly known as elmoali

Re: Do you believe in spirits/mediums?
I don't know that I am anti-spiritualist, but I definitely think most of the people who claim to be one are charlatans. I think they are intuitive and know what questions to ask to elicit information from their victims.
I just finished reading a book where this was the central theme. I'm not sure what I believe. The rational part of me thinks that sometimes things happen that we want to attribute greater meaning to because it's comforting but the more sentimental part of me wants to believe that there are things in this world that we cannot explain including loved ones being able to reach out to us from beyond the grave so to speak.
I'm pretty sure you will be fined by the government if you use the word spiritualist without charlatan.
I 100% believe in both. When my grandmother as alive, she loved Hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are typically scared of humans, and very territorial. One day a few weeks ago I was sitting outside watching them, and one of the flew right up to, and landed on the table I was sitting at. It stayed there until I got up, and then it flew away. Part of me feels like it was her checking to make sure I was ok.
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I do not believe they speak to spirits.