
You know you're 2 year old doesn't feel feel when...

He asks if he can go "night night" an hour before naptime.

DS' allergies have been bothering him and we were all up all night. And we went to the playground earlier for a play date with some local moms. I'm still the new mom so I try to not be too snarky or opinionated but honestly today I was just too tired to care. I may have called one of the parent's at DS' new school "special" because she kept going on and on about how advanced her 2 year old was and confessed that my kids watches too much television because I am lazy.

I feel like I'm too old to have to make new friends : (

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Re: You know you're 2 year old doesn't feel feel when...

  • Hang in there! Try again when you're having a better day. Plus, you don't want to make friends with moms who are too braggy.
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • Thanks, luckily, the mom wasn't there. I was just re-counting the story about how the open house was last week. I'm just having a hard time finding a balance between being myself but also realizing that I have a very strong personality and have a tendency to speak without thinking.  

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  • Ugh, it's so hard when they don't feel well.  I can tell when DD is sick when she falls asleep early too.  She never wants to take a nap or go to bed.  But one day she came home from school and just seemed sad.  She said she wanted to facetime with daddy so I got him on and she laid down on the floor to talk to him.  After a couple mins I could hear him calling me... she was asleep on the floor.  Picked her up and she was burning, 103.4.  I felt so bad.


    But you should not feel bad about voicing your opinions.  Especially when you have a sick kid, a tired, pregnant body, and snarky ass moms.  FWIW, I like to think my daughter is advanced (as does everyone, I'm sure) and she watched a amount of TV when I was pregnant and exhausted.  And she watches a shitton of TV now that I have a new baby and am exhausted. 

    You are doing great.  People who don't want to take you for you aren't worth it.  And believe me, you're never too old to make new friends when you find the right ones. 

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  • Haha. Thanks ladies. I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself but it's hard being the new kid. I feel better now. And I agree we all think our kids are advanced and special, it was just funny because it was literally the first thing out of her mouth. DH and I were just like, "oh okay".

    Compared to most of the parents in our area, we're relatively young (which is crazy because we're only 30) and pretty laid back so it's been a bit of adjustment. I really do like all of the ladies we've met and they all seem really nice but I feel like I'm still in that weird stage when I'm trying to figure out how much to share.

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  • Just keep going to play dates, and be yourself. You may not click with the first few people you meet, but you'll find a mom or two that love you for your snark and who give it right back! And don't worry about the age thing. My favorite people in my moms group are a lot older than me. I'm a vet in my group now at 2 years and I am so glad I found it, eve if I felt awkward at first :)

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