I am 2 1/2 weeks PP and I am starting to become mentally overwhelmed. I am having the normal after procedure pain: sensitivity, random pain, soreness bending and moving occasionally, minor bleeding at the incision, etc. I am just overwhelmed at how much it hurts. I have had surgery before but never anticipated this much pain! Also, I had severe swelling during my pregnancy and high blood pressure, no preeclampsia though. It got worse after birth. My swelling started to go down after about a week and a half; however, my blood pressure did not go down. The doctor put me on Labetalol for my BP. I started that on Wednesday. It has brought my BP down...but I am having pretty bad side effects: I am having headaches, heartburn, chills and night sweats...so bad that I wake up in the middle of the night like my fever broke, the sheets are soaked, my clothes are soaked. The worst side effect is that my swelling is back up and even worse than before and my feet are really hurting me. I am planning on calling my doctor tomorrow morning and tell him about it, but I am mentally losing it. I am so tired, as we all are. But I am so tired of being so swollen. I can't even stand on my feet for more than 10 minutes because my feet hurt so bad. When I sit they go numb, when I lay down they tingle. I feel like between feedings all I do is cry. I feel bad for my husband because he spends a lot of time telling me that it will get better and that I will start feeling better soon. I'm sorry for the long post, but I needed to vent.
Re: Mentally having a hard time...long