1st Trimester

Addicted to Popsicles?!

I could literally sit down and eat a whole box of the real fruit Popsicles

Re: Addicted to Popsicles?!

  • I've done that before haha.
  • Yep, I eat several a day every day.  Makes my stomach feel better and provides a little hydration I suppose.
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  • I love them too! 

    The only thing I don't like is when I'm almost done and it starts tasting a little like the wooden stick!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • They were giving out popsicles at my dorm last week and I'm pretty sure it was the best thing I've ever eaten lol!!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I've had 3 today. Popsicles are the best.
    baby boy: 3.19.2014
  • I've definitely noticed a craving for them too. I really liked them before I got pregnant, but now I could eat a whole box! Popsicles are fantastic! (:
  • Ditto!  All I've really been craving is cold citrus.  Of course that does NOTHING to help the horrible heartburn I've been having but hey, it's calories! :-)
  • I thought I was the only women who can sit down and eat a half a box of popsicles at a time. I am in love with the sugar free orignial popsicles right now. I've had horrible morning (all day) sickness and popsicles seem to do the trick!!!


  • I was pregnant with my first through that whole horrible summer of 2011, and I was obsessed with anything icy. Sonic slushes (Happy Hour!), Popsicles, and even ice cubes. I couldn't get enough. Just thinking about it now gives me the shivers and makes my teeth hurt. It'll be interesting if I crave all that stuff this time around, since I'll be pregnant through the winter.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

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