I know I am probably setting myself up here as I know how this board tends to feel about "Mc" names on girls BUT I am considering using McKenzie for a mn.
Thoughts on Reese McKenzie? Other poosibilities were Reese McKenna but I don't think it flows as nicely. (and yes, I know that McKenna makes this board want to hurl).
My DH is Scottish so we like the idea of using McKenzie since it is also Scottish.
Do you think McKenzie works okay for a mn? As much as I love it I have to agree that I am not as crazy about it as a fn since I can't picture it on a woman.
Okay...let's hear it.
Re: Go ahead, be honest
Yea, I'm sorry!
Reese Ailsa, Reese Mairead, Reese Glenna, etc...
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
Lost Lilah (Audra's twin) at 26 weeks. Cause unknown. Forever in our hearts
Yah very sad... But I suppose we all think of different things when we hear names all depends on who we have known during our lives with that name! My sisters name is Mckenzie and fortunately she is far from trailer trash!!!
I don't understand the whole my husband is Scottish so we will pick a random Scottish name honor his heritage.
makes absolutely no sense to me
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Our DS is Gavin. A name we picked because it has both Irish and Scottish backgrounds. McKenzie and McKenna may not honor his clan name but they are Scottish/Irish names that we both like. His clan name is the same as our last name so that option is out. Especially since it is often used as a male's 1st name.
Is it wrong to pull up a list of Scottish girl names and skim through and pick one we both like? Or is the only way to honor a heritage to use the clan name? I'm confused by that.
I like it much better in the mn position than as a fn. I do, think, you may get a lot of people asking if it is a family name though - when I see "last name"-style names in a mn spot, that's usually my assumption.
All that said, I think Reese McKenzie has a nice flow to it.
3rd cycles clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
4th cycles letrozole/Ovidrel + IUI = BFN
IVF #1 = BFP! Twins due 2/5/2014
I agree with PPs that choosing a random Scottish clan name isn't as good as choosing something from your actual family tree. So obviously you can't use your DH's clan name because it's your last name anyway, but why not his mom's maiden name? His maternal grandfather's? Either grandmother's? My DD's first name and DS's middle name are family surnames (my mom's and my maiden name, respectively), and to me that is honoring our heritage more than just picking some random surname appropriated from someone else's background. And yeah, maybe the flow wouldn't sound as good as Reese McKenna/Mackenzie, but to me meaning trumps flow by like a million times, unless the flow is just awful.
BTW, my maiden name - DS's middle name - is Scottish. It never would have crossed my mind to use another Scottish name to honor my heritage.
Eh, this is a pretty big trend right now. Notice how popular Irish names are all of the sudden.
I don't see what the big deal is. If you have some heritage that you identify with, there's nothing weird about using a name that gives a nod to that. I actually look at it as a minor "good" in the world after so many of our ancestors were pressured to make a conscious effort to assimilate and abandon cultural names that gave away their heritage. They traded Maeve and Astrid for Susan and Linda because they thought that made them more "American."
I'm not saying I have any particular ties to Sweden because I have Swedish heritage. I've never been there, I don't speak Swedish, and I could certainly learn more about the culture. But I'm proud of my great-grandparents for making the choice to come across the ocean and start their lives from scratch in a completely foreign place. I can honor them by giving my child a Swedish name if I want to.
OP can do the same thing.
It's like saying I'll pick the middle name Smith to honor my kid's American heritage?
This pains me a little because I do have Scottish ancestry, as does my DH, and I have Irish ancestry so your logic of changing the spelling from MacKenzie to McKenze in order to make it shorter and then make it 'Irish' too (squee! look at all the bases I'm covering!) makes me cringe. Irish and Scottish are not the same thing!! You seem to have a blatant disregard for how genealogy or ethnic ties work.
Just be honest, you like McKenna and McKenzie. Which is totally your prerogative, but it has nothing to do with your H's background, you are just saying that to gain points and win him over or something. Please stop trying to defend your choices as being due to your H being Scottish, because your explanations don't make any sense.
This pains me a little because I do have Scottish ancestry, as does my DH, and I have Irish ancestry so your logic of changing the spelling from MacKenzie to McKenze in order to make it shorter and then make it 'Irish' too (squee! look at all the bases I'm covering!) makes me cringe. Irish and Scottish are not the same thing!! You seem to have a blatant disregard for how genealogy or ethnic ties work.
Just be honest, you like McKenna and McKenzie. Which is totally your prerogative, but it has nothing to do with your H's background, you are just saying that to gain points and win him over or something. Please stop trying to defend your choices as being due to your H being Scottish, because your explanations don't make any sense.