Baby Names

Many questions about "Bo"

DH and I have struggled to agree on a boy name pretty much this entire pregnancy.

Most recently I've been loving the name Bodie (bohdee), but DH doesn't like it because it looks like body. lol We both really like the nn Bo, which is short for Robert, which is DHs name and a 3rd generation name. So we are strongly considering calling him that.

However, I have several concerns. We don't want to name him Robert Lastname to avoid confusion with DH. So we decided it would be best to have his middle be Robert. But then what do we have his first name be? And it seems so complicated to go by the nn of your middle name instead of your first name! (Although both my dad and my uncle do this with no problems.)

Am I over-thinking things? Is it nbd? Opinions on "Bo" as a name?

Also, thoughts on a first name? We've been liking these but not loving any of them: Nicholas, Franklin, Logan, Malcolm, Lincoln, and Evans (family name we were previously considering as a middle.)

Sorry if this is confusing or rambling, I'm 34 weeks pregnant with a wicked head cold. lol :) Thanks!!
I used to be a big deal.  Now I'm just old. 

Re: Many questions about "Bo"

  • What about first name Beau? Pronounced like Bo
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  • I like the spelling Beau better than Bo. I would worry about B.O as a nickname.

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  • I would just use Beau. Love it.
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  • I like that "Bo" is actually short for Robert, which is DHs name, his dads middle name and his grandpas middle name. Beau is nice, but I can't really say its short for Robert, or can I??
    I used to be a big deal.  Now I'm just old. 
  • I have never heard of Bo as a NN for Robert, I kind of think that's a bit of a stretch. And I wouldn't call him a NN of his MN I think that's just kind of bizarre and lame. 

    I would just name him: 

    Bo/Beau Robert
    Beauregard Robert or 
    Boaz Robert

    And then call him Beau or Bo. Also, I like Beau a lot more than Bo. It looks more human, less dog. 

    Look it up, it's totally legitimate.
    I used to be a big deal.  Now I'm just old. 
  • I do think you're overthinking it.  Call him Bo if that's what you like.  I don't think it's a bizarre nn at all.

    Where I work, there's an attorney named Robert, but goes by Bo.  It's quite fitting. 

    For a first name, I like Franklin and Nicholas off of your list.

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  • --halo-- said:

    I have never heard of Bo as a NN for Robert, I kind of think that's a bit of a stretch. And I wouldn't call him a NN of his MN I think that's just kind of bizarre and lame. 

    I would just name him: 

    Bo/Beau Robert
    Beauregard Robert or 
    Boaz Robert

    And then call him Beau or Bo. Also, I like Beau a lot more than Bo. It looks more human, less dog. 

    Look it up, it's totally legitimate.

    Oh, I know it's legitimate...

    ETA: Oh! You mean, the NN for Robert thing. I thought you meant the spelling Bo. Now that I think about it I guess it does KINDA make sense as a NN for Robert... Rob goes to Bob goes to Bo. It still seems a bit too far to go though. 

    Yes, that is what I meant. lol ;) I never would have thought of it, but when looking at "Bo" as a name I saw that it is a very common nickname for Robert in Scandinavian culture. And then I realized that a lot of Roberts are called Bobby, so it makes sense. lol But yes, it is an odd stretch. Kind of like "Jack" for Jonathan.

    I used to be a big deal.  Now I'm just old. 
  • Well mh Dh goes by a nn of his mn and it doesn't bother him at all, so it certainly can be done. It's kind of a pain to me since I have to remember which people know him by fn and which by mn, but again totally doable.

    I do really love Bo as a name, wish I culd get dh on board! Have you looked at the spelling Bodhi instead of Bodie? It eliminates the "body" issue.
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  • My DH also goes by a nn of his mn (he's Robert Joseph, and goes by Joe), and the only time he's had a problem is when people from work fill out paperwork without asking his full name ahead of time.  That's the only time it's a problem to be honest.  If it means something to you, then call him Bo. I have heard it as a nn for Robert before, but my fam is super Scandinavian haha.

    From your list, I'd say Nicholas, Franklin, or Malcolm.  I'm not loving Evans, maybe Evan Robert instead, I like the others more though.

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  • If I were going to use Bo as a NN for Robert I would put Robert in the FN spot; it seems too convoluted to me otherwise.

    Since you want Robert in the MN spot I'll vote for Malcolm or Nicholas as the FN. I think Robert is a MN that works with nearly everything.
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  • I'd just use a "Bo/Beau" name in the FN spot. I dislike Bodie (isn't it Bodhi?), but I like PP suggestion of Boaz and Beauregard, or just Beau on its own. You could also use Beaumont.
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  • I would use Bodhi as a FN

  • Just going to put out there I'm definitely not down with Bodie, Bodhi, or Bohdi. 
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  • --halo----halo-- member
    edited September 2013

    I'd just use a "Bo/Beau" name in the FN spot. I dislike Bodie (isn't it Bodhi?), but I like PP suggestion of Boaz and Beauregard, or just Beau on its own. You could also use Beaumont.

    Bodie is Scandinavian and a variant of Boden which means one who brings good news. Bodhi is the Sanskrit name for the tree that Buddha was enlightened under.

    I much prefer the Scandinavian spelling and meaning. It fits with our heritage.
    I used to be a big deal.  Now I'm just old. 
  • I like Bo as a nickname. I'd use Robert as a first name, or choose some other name where Bo works as a nickname... Bodie (though I get DH isn't in board) or Boden.
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  • What about first name Beau? Pronounced like Bo


  • I really love Beau! I like the sound of Beau Evans.

    I understand that people go by nn's of their mn's without too much hassle, but it seems a little strange choosing a first name that has no significance and won't be used.

    Most guys I know go by a nn of their mn because their fn is so overused in their family, but that wouldn't be so in this case. I would just imagine many people asking why Nicholas goes by Bo.

    I would suggest John Robert with the nn Beau/Bo, but I see DS#1 is Jack and Jack is a diminutive of John.  

    I think Bogard could work as a formal name for Bo, too.



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  • My nephew's name is Bodee. My sister tossed around Bode (like the Olympic skier), as well as Bodie and Bodhi. The version she chose seems to have avoided the, "How the hell do you say that name?" question. Needless to say, I'm a BIG fan of the name, regardless of how you spell it. ;)
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  • HattieLoveHattieLove member
    edited September 2013
    --halo-- said:
    I'd just use a "Bo/Beau" name in the FN spot. I dislike Bodie (isn't it Bodhi?), but I like PP suggestion of Boaz and Beauregard, or just Beau on its own. You could also use Beaumont.
    Bodie is Scandinavian and a variant of Boden which means one who brings good news. Bodhi is the Sanskrit name for the tree that Buddha was enlightened under. I much prefer the Scandinavian spelling and meaning. It fits with our heritage.
    I like Boden. What about Boden Robert and calling him Bo?
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  • Think Beau/Bo is cool but I really like Bogart as a first name. Yeah I can see the Bo for a NN of Robert but you just had like 15 women side eying it and had to explain it several times. Too much hassle for a little kid.
  • My DH is Robert Justin was meant to go by Justin and changed it to Robert in middle school. He's 3rd gen Robert different mn.
    I had totally vetoed carrying on the Robert thing for LO but this thread has changed my mind! I love Bo for a nn.
    I think Robert whatever you want mn to be is very classic and he can always go by his fn if he feels he outgrows Bo.
    Thanks for your help! I think you might have saved my marriage;)

  • I knew a Bo growing up, his full first name was Thie.baut (I think that is how it is spelled, minus the period...pronounced tea bo). I always kind of thought that both the full name and the nickname were kind of odd. I just feel like Bo has very little substance. I also feel like Bo from Robert is a bit of a stretch.
  • Thanks for all the input, everyone!  I'm actually fairly surprised at how many of you think Bo is a stretch, given that Robert has so many nicknames already.  Rob, Robby, Bob, Bobby, Bert, etc?  I disagree that it is a stretch.  

    I'm still undecided about the whole thing, but I appreciate all of your opinions!  Thanks. ;)
    I used to be a big deal.  Now I'm just old. 
  • I don't think Bo is a huge stretch for Robert, but I think it's a stretch ( if that's the right word) to call someone Bo if Robert is his middle name. It's a stretch to be referred to as a nn of your middle name.
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  • I much prefer Bodie to Bodhi.
    I think Bo is a great nn for Robert or Bodie.
  • BODEN! It seems more formal than Bodie, and the name seems fitting for an adult as well. He could easily go by "Bo." Boden Robert gets my vote! You wouldn't have to worry about any confusion between ds and dh and there wouldn't be any hassle with his name being a nn for a mn either.
  • Laura_ElaineLaura_Elaine member
    edited September 2013
    I am currently loving the name Boaz... but I have a while to even see if I need a boy name or a girl name... Boaz was our #1 name for DS, but we used a traditional (for DHs family) first-boy-middle-name Paul, and we didn't like Boaz Paul.
  • I think it is fine to use Bo as a nn and use Robert in the mn spot.  However, I don't think it would be a big deal to use Robert in the FN spot and just always call him Bo.  I go by a nn of my mn.  My name is Beryl Elizabeth, but I have always been called Beth.  In my case, Beryl is the family name that I carried on and I love the family significance.  It did cause me some slight confusion at times growing up.  

    I also like the suggestion of Boaz.  I know someone that named their baby Boaz and they go by Bo.  I also know someone that has always gone by Bo, but his first name is actually Lawrence.  It never seemed strange to me so I wouldn't side eye Bo as a nn for Robert.
  • PB&J714 said:
    BODEN! It seems more formal than Bodie, and the name seems fitting for an adult as well. He could easily go by "Bo." Boden Robert gets my vote! You wouldn't have to worry about any confusion between ds and dh and there wouldn't be any hassle with his name being a nn for a mn either.
    I agree with this.  Boden is better then Bodie and you can still use Bo as a nn and Robert for the mn.


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