March 2013 Moms

go to sleep!

DD turned 6 months old last week and suddenly refuses to sleep. She fights naps and bed time by either playing in her crib or crying like crazy. I know she's tired and the lack of sleep is just making her feel worse. I know that a lot is happening developmentally for her right now. She cut 2 teeth last week plus we are starting more foods. Its just so crazy though because its like someone flipped a switch. I used to be able to nurse, rock, or pat her so she would get sleepy then I would put her in the crib, and she would suck her thumb until she fell asleep. Now as soon as she hits the mattress, all hell breaks loose. I am thinking of doing Ferber because I know I can't handle straight CIO. Sorry for the vent. Anyone else dealing with this?
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Re: go to sleep!

  • My LO has gone through a similar stage. 2 weeks ago she went from STTN to waking up and wanting to feed... assuming that wasa growth spurt, because she calmed down and had gone back to STTN. However I think she's beginning to teethe because now she's super restless during the night and got up super early, and then during the day recently it's been impossible to get her down. I personally don't believe in CIO at this age, I feel they are still too young. In my case i just toughed it out until she went back to normal, and looks like i'll have to again. During the day i do cheat and put her in the swing :) that's the only way i can get a nap out of her.
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  • I am so glad I am not alone. DD is 2 weeks from being 6 months. I used to walk her to sleep and she would go down easy for 45 mins. Then it was only 30 mins. So at 5 months we tried CIO for naps. She would go to sleep in 20 mins or less but never stayed asleep longer than 30mins and by the end of the week it wasn't working anymore! And now she won't let me walk her to sleep. I am out of tricks and its affecting her nighttime sleep because her naps are so crappy.

    I have read three sleep books. I am at a total loss. I guess in a couple weeks we will try CIO again. Maybe she was too young before. I am starting really bad habits like cosleeping for naps just to get her to sleep during the day. I can't see how it will get better on its own and it sucks.

    I am always consistent with her nap routine. Blah.

    DD #1: March 20, 2013
    DD # 2: May 2, 2015
    EDD #3: March 4, 2018


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  • DUDE me too! for the last week, as soon as he hits the crib he's wide awake and screaming bloody murder. Naps are a nightmare. And while he was STTN except for that 4 month wakeful period, now he's waking up to feed in the night. I'm a zombie. I am so glad to hear others are going through this too. Maybe it's another sleep regression?
  • Yes, I was so relieved thinking we skipped the 4 month wakeful thing, but for the past several weeks she has been much harder to put to bed, waking up more in the middle of the night (when she has been STTN since 3 weeks!) and getting up a good 2 hours earlier in the mornings.  I've been thinking it is teething, but we have yet to cut a tooth and up to almost a month of this.  I don't really believe in CIO either, I just keep hoping that she'll go back to her old self sometime soon.  I got her an Amber teething necklace that seems to help a little but it's not the miracle cure I was hoping for. :)
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  • We have regressed too.  the magic sleepsuit worked for awhile but now we are up all the time again, playing with our hands, pulling out the pacifier and stuffing her lovie in her mouth. I'm sooo tired! I think part of her problem goes to refusing to eat very well at daycare. For whatever reason this week she isn't eating well so she is eating a ton at night.



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  • Right there with ya! DD went from STTN 2 months ago to cutting 2 teeth at once at 4.5 months and waking up almost every night to feed the last couple weeks.  Has anyone read the book "Go the F*%$ to Sleep?" It's hysterical and I had my first moment like that about a week ago where I uttered those exact words.....

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


  • Right there with ya! DD went from STTN 2 months ago to cutting 2 teeth at once at 4.5 months and waking up almost every night to feed the last couple weeks.  Has anyone read the book "Go the F*%$ to Sleep?" It's hysterical and I had my first moment like that about a week ago where I uttered those exact words.....

    My mother bought me that book when DD was like 4 weeks old. Not much has changed since then lol!

    DD #1: March 20, 2013
    DD # 2: May 2, 2015
    EDD #3: March 4, 2018


  • Right there with ya! DD went from STTN 2 months ago to cutting 2 teeth at once at 4.5 months and waking up almost every night to feed the last couple weeks.  Has anyone read the book "Go the F*%$ to Sleep?" It's hysterical and I had my first moment like that about a week ago where I uttered those exact words.....

    It was one of the first baby gifts we received! I think I utter it almost daily
  • We have incredibly regressed. I wondered if it was the transition into daycare or the age but it sounds like it may be an age thing!
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