
Book suggestions?

I've read nearly all books on pregnancy and am now looking to move on to twin parenting, specifically schedule suggestions and early development stages/milestones -any recommendations?

Re: Book suggestions?

  • Healthy sleep habits happy twins... Worked amazing for my friends tein girls. planning on using it ourselves once the babies are old enough to put on schedule.
  • edited September 2013
    I really liked the book "Twin Sense." It had a lot of good practical ideas for caring for twins in the early days, as well as tips for dealing with various situations (flying, car trips, grocery shopping, etc.)

    I'm just "meh" about Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins." The theme of that book is to put them down drowsy but awake and when they're old enough, to employ some variety of CIO, which I personally am not a big fan of. One of my girls isn't a fan of being put down drowsy but awake so that book really didn't work for me.

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  • I totally loved Bringing up Bebe, I've found it to be extraordinarily empowering and while it's not twin specific, she does end up having twins for her 2nd pregnancy, so it's kinda on topic. I also really loved Twinspiration, which not only is an extremely detailed account of one family's pregnancy and first year, but it is so very positive about their experience, something I needed after reading La Leche's Mothering Multiples (I think that's the title) which was terrifying and hasn't reflected our experience raising twins at all.

    I've referred to both a number of times since our girls came (and thanks to BUB, our girls have consistently been sleeping thru the night since they were 2 months!)

    Good luck!!!
  • I loved twin sense also....I read a ton of twin books and this was my favorite!
    Fraternal twin boys born at 33 weeks 4 days Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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