
Shit my husband does

He THROWS AWAY watermelon because the container he was putting the cut pieces in was full. 0_0. He didn't think to use the 2 drawers full of Tupperware or the full box of Ziplocks for the rest. Nope! THROW IT AWAY! SMFH.


Re: Shit my husband does

  • DH is famous for opening a package of pop tarts and only eating one.  Instead of trying to wrap up the remaining one or putting it in a zip lock baggie, he leaves it sitting out on the counter.  It ends up getting stale and then when he goes to eat it, he ends up throwing it out. 

    I've even tried putting a zip lock baggie in the pop tart box, it works about 50% of the time.

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  • DH will never finish and throw away anything even though he's opened a new one. For example: he will leave the almost empty shampoo/toothpaste/paper towel roll etc sitting there but start a new bottle/tube whatever. It's line even though he thinks there's not enough left to bother using it, he still can't bear to throw it away.
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  • Hahaha that's really funny to me. DH leaves cabinets and drawers, like in his dresser, open. Makes me crazy.

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • kgopel said:
    DH balls up his socks after he takes them off, then puts them in the laundry. So every time I do laundry I have to un-ball his socks? WHY??? I now refuse to un-ball them and will just wash them as is. It's a win for me, I don't have to fold them when they are done! THEY ARE ALREADY BALLED UP!!!

    I would LOVE it if DH's socks made it to the laundry. I find them stuffed into the crack of his armchair. Seriously, dude?

    I used to matched and ball up all of DH's socks when we were first married. Then after awhile, I just stopped doing it because I was short on time. One day he actually asked if I was mad at him because I stopped doing it... like it was a passive-aggressive sign for him to pick up on or something. MEN!

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  • Mine does many things that drive me nuts. One is when he dresses the kids, he leaves the clothes he doesn't need on the floor.
    Doesn't put them in the laundry. Not on the dresser for te next day. On the floor. And then will STEP OVER THEM FOR AS LONG AS IT LAYS THERE!!!! It drives me bonkers.

    Also, he leaves his nasty ass socks everywhere (seems to be common), he throws perfectly good food out all the time and he always asks where xyz is instead of actually looking.

    He is a sweetheart though.
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  • If out milk comes within 3 days of expiring he won't use it. Even if its never been opened. Makes me crazy.
    Always leaves his hair products on the sink.
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  • He leaves his closet light on all the time.
    His nasty socks are EVERYWHERE.
    When he changes DS for bed he leaves his clothes on the floor instead of putting them in the hamper.  He does the same with his clothes.  I swear he has a fear of hampers.
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  • Leaves his dirty underwear on the bathroom floor after he's done showering. Wtf. The laundry basket is like 5 steps away.
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  • MrsT0514 said:

    Leaves his dirty underwear on the bathroom floor after he's done showering. Wtf. The laundry basket is like 5 steps away.

    This for us too except it's all of his clothes and a damp towel. Drives me bananas.

    I may have a couple of times ignored it and done laundry without his clothes, because it wasn't in the hamper.

  • One time, my H and I got in a fight and later in the day I go into our bathroom and what do I see?  Pubes in my sink.  He fucking pulled out some pubes and put them in my sink.  I married a man-child.


  • My DH does pretty much all of these things. I will add one more:

    He is not allowed to go to the grocery store because he will bring back so many stupid things we don't need. Last time was three years ago he bought a coconut because "he wanted to see what it was like". He tried to hack it open for 20 minutes and got that coconut fuzz everywhere. He ate a few bites, put the rest in the fridge and didn't touch it so it went bad. Ughhhh.
  • DH likes to leave empty ice cube trays on the counter at least every other day.  He also will leave empty boxes in the cupboard. He also uses the bathroom like his closet.  /crackers

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • I don't think this thread is long enough to cover my SO's oddities.

    His current one was calling me 1 hour after we get to the fair wondering if we're coming home yet. Uh.... no. We just got here. He is painfully unaware of how long it takes people to go places and do things.
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  • There was water in the washing machine today- DH decides to investigate by opening the door of the front load washer, letting it run out all over the floor. WTF? So he freaks out, slams it shut and pulls it out from the wall. Now a hose is leaking from the wall. SMH. He decides to try to tighten the fitting at the drain dealies. What happens? He snaps the fitting. Now only threads are left in the pipe. Weekend plumber, time and a half. FML. How bout you just push the drain button DH?

    so many different types of sparrows 30 rock         

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  • Not cool, bro @karbird5.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • Fuck- this weekend started with a bang. Fortunately it was date night! Local gymnastics place has a parents night out so kiddo jumped on the trampoline all night while we went out for a much needed night on the town where DH was the DD. Now they are both asleep on the couch.

    so many different types of sparrows 30 rock         

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  • Spapeggy said:

    If out milk comes within 3 days of expiring he won't use it. Even if its never been opened. Makes me crazy.
    Always leaves his hair products on the sink.

    @Spapeggy, your H has hair products?

  • I can't think of anything good right now.

    DH is somewhat good at fixing things, but it takes him forever. Like, my laptop will be having some problem, and it will take him like 30 minutes to fix it. So usually I just end up saying, "Nevermind, please give it back to me. I don't care if you fix it."

    He puts dishes in the sink and runs water in them, but I don't understand why he can't spend an extra 5 seconds and put them in the dishwasher.

    He also has awful gas. Sometimes I leave our bedroom in the middle of the night to check on DS or something, and it always smells like farts when I walk back in. Idk if this is normal for a guy or if he just has unusually bad gas.
  • Maebb said:

    Spapeggy said:

    If out milk comes within 3 days of expiring he won't use it. Even if its never been opened. Makes me crazy.
    Always leaves his hair products on the sink.

    @Spapeggy, your H has hair products?

    He has a brush, hair spray and water bottle. Not really product but stuff he uses to do his hair.

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  • Mine can't seal food products properly. At all. Everything goes stale. Cheese gets hard. But he (usually) doesn't just leave it gaping open so I can see it and fix right away. He makes a half assed attempt at sealing so it looks ok until I go to use it.
    Better than his mother though. They just leave a loaf of bread in the cabinet. No bag, nothing, just the bread.

    And he does just about everything on this list! Gah! I try not to be a nag, so I let a lot go, but he drives me insane 1/2 the time.
  • Maebb said:
    If out milk comes within 3 days of expiring he won't use it. Even if its never been opened. Makes me crazy. Always leaves his hair products on the sink.
    @Spapeggy, your H has hair products?

    My DH has all kinds of hair products, and he leaves them out every. single. day. Along with deodorant, cologne, anything he might use. And @mrs.adambabycakes, think that's bad? Once we got into a fight, and he purposely peed all over the toilet seat (I was watching him). Fight continues. I forgot. I go to pee. And there you go
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  • I don't think they nest will let me type it all out, the list will be so long...lets see...leaves balled up dirty socks on the floor everywhere, leaves dirty underwear on the floor when he showers, and dirty clothes on the floor in our room when he gets changed. Puts his wet towel from the shower on the foot of our bed every single morning.  If I don't pick them up we will literally end up with 7 towels on our bed by the end of the week. Won't rinse his dishes, just leaves them on the counter.  Will overflow the trash rather then take it out, prior to us having our dog when the trash was full he'd just pile the trash on the counter vs taking it out...our dog will eat the trash from the counter though (he's a really tall dog :) so DH had to stop that habit. Doesn't think to pick anything up himself, I have to ask him to do everything. Boys hockey equipment all over the living room floor, stinking up the house?  He'll walk around it. If by chance he asks the kids to do something he won't follow up and half the time it never got done, but he thinks he should get the credit b/c he did ask them to do it.  Leaves empty boxes in the cupboard, ice cream boxes with one spoonful of ice cream left, orange juice with about a tablespoon of juice left in them.  When he does do something he expects me to do cartwheels (um, I do dishes everyday, i'm not going to do cartwheels b/c you did them once this week).  I could go on and on, mainly he's a slob and has no clue.  He will walk by things that obviously need to get done (think weeds totally overgrown INTO our outdoor air conditioner unit but it didn't dawn on him that it was going to break our AC unit and he should actually PULL those weeds. I'm getting a little bitter about this stuff, and i'm totally ocd so I HATE a cluttered or messy house so I run my ass off trying to do it all.  Oh and while i'm doing this he's usually lying in bed with headphones in his ears (another pet peave, the guy always has headphones off and can't hear a freaking thing).  When I finally loose it and SLAM our bedroom door he will get up and stand around like he has no idea why i'm upset.  
  • Wakes up when he hears the baby crying for someone to rescue her from the crib, gets her a bottle, puts her in our bed with me, then goes to the basement to play video games. What. The. FUCK? Why do we both need to be awake at 7AM on a Sunday?

    "Man, be creative. Like the stuff you do. Do nice things. Love respectfully. Laugh a fucking lot. Curse when you feel like it. Life is cool." - Jean Grae

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  • He purposely pissed on the toilet @bluepointToasted?! I'd turn into level 10 bitch in about half a second if DH pulled some shit like that. That's gross.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • mbenit4 said:
    Mine plays trash Jenga. He will stack it and stack it until... Dude take the trash out already.
    Mine does this too, it drives me crazy.  Sometimes I'll just take it out if it's not too heavy.
  • Yes @missyishere. It was actually kind of humerous when he did it, he put his hands behind his head and swayed back and forth. Would have been funny if he had cleaned it. When I then sat in it, however, I flipped the f out and ran across the living room and tackled him. Earlier in the fight I had spiked my brand new Michael Kors bag in the street that he had just bought me. It's a fight we still talk about today
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  • He purposely pissed on the toilet @bluepointToasted?! I'd turn into level 10 bitch in about half a second if DH pulled some shit like that. That's gross.

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  • Yes @missyishere. It was actually kind of humerous when he did it, he put his hands behind his head and swayed back and forth. Would have been funny if he had cleaned it. When I then sat in it, however, I flipped the f out and ran across the living room and tackled him. Earlier in the fight I had spiked my brand new Michael Kors bag in the street that he had just bought me. It's a fight we still talk about today

    I'm guessing alcohol was a factor.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • Lol, you think? I have no idea why we were even arguing
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  • Mine exaggerates every injury. He hits his head on something, it must be a concussion. He has a cold, it must be the plague.

    Today he cut his finger a tiny tiny bit while changing the furnace filter. He says he didn't noticed it until he went looking for a sharpie to write the date. Then he saw the blood on his hands. He claims he didn't need the marker because he could have written the date in blood. Dramatic much?
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • Mine exaggerates every injury. He hits his head on something, it must be a concussion. He has a cold, it must be the plague.

    Today he cut his finger a tiny tiny bit while changing the furnace filter. He says he didn't noticed it until he went looking for a sharpie to write the date. Then he saw the blood on his hands. He claims he didn't need the marker because he could have written the date in blood. Dramatic much?

    LOL. MH is like this too.
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  • Hahaha that's really funny to me. DH leaves cabinets and drawers, like in his dresser, open. Makes me crazy.
    OMG! My husbands entire side of the family does this. Close the fucking drawer/cabinet door.
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  • doggiemom4doggiemom4 member
    edited September 2013
    Maebb said:
     He puts dishes in the sink and runs water in them, but I don't understand why he can't spend an extra 5 seconds and put them in the dishwasher.  
    Mine does this too. I literally have to say out loud after I have done the dishes, "Please put your dishes in the dishwasher." 
    Nov 2012 BMB January Siggy Challenge
    Those Presedential Fitness Tests Were Torture


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