Cloth Diapering

Wool recs please!

I've been using fleece longies over fitteds, but had to go back to PUL covers because of leaks (and they arent 100% either). I think I need to make the jump to wool. It's really cold here in winter, so Id love some wool footies. Can you recommend your favourite nighttime wool soakers and footies? Extra point for including your wool care routine :) Thanks!
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Re: Wool recs please!

  • Just had my first night in wool. I bought a sbish wool soaker at my local store with a 10% off coupon. Love how soft it is, and it worked great. I'm hoping to get another one or two at a rediaper sale my local store has in October. Otherwise, I've heard good things about woollybottoms. They have footies too.
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  • I LOVE my Woollybottoms (especially if you're looking for footies!). My wool care routine is almost non-existent unless there's an issue. If I think of it, I'll air them by an open window during the day (after they've been worn the night before). I did, however recently have a massive wool-cleaning day where I washed and lanolized everything. I used  delish Holy Sheep! Super Woolie Wash Bar for washing and Woollybottoms Love Spell lanolin mixed with regular Now! Foods lanolin.
    If you decide to get some wraps as well as footies, Our Loveybums are some of our favorites :)
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  • I only use Sloomb Longies. I wash and lanolize every month (unless it needs it or gets pooped on). My routine is rinse, wash with CJ's Wool Wash, let sit for 15 minutes, get excess water out, fill a little tub with hot hot water, put a squirt of wool wash and a good dollop of lanolin in, shake until melted and worked in, put wool in 1inch of tepid water, pour lanolin mix over wool, swish and turn, then sit for 30 minutes. When the 30 minutes is over I get the excess water out using a towel and dry flat. It's easy and very little work.
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  • Thanks! I definitely like the price of Woolybottoms, so I'm glad to hear they work. I haven't decided between footies and longies, thinking longies wouldn't be outgrown as fast. Do you rotate covers to let them air out? Is 2 enough?
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  • I only have 2. I rotate between the 2 unless 1 is drying from being washed.
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  • 2 would definitely be enough. I have more than that because I like being able to use a wrap or a soaker with normal pajamas or footies/longies with a t-shirt. The weather here can be unpredictable, and we don't have a/c, so DS's sleep outfit is constantly getting modified depending on the temp in his room on any given day.
    London Eye 
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  • My favorite ON wool is Wild Coconut Wear (they also have footies, but they may not be out yet).  I also like Woollybottom footies, but they're not as bulletproof IMO if you have a very heavy ON wetter.
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