November 2011 Moms

It happened!

My worst fear finally came true, lol. DS climbed outta his crib the other night. Luckily, he has a baby gate in front of his bedroom door, so he didn't get far.

I'm totally at a loss with how to deal with this. We have just, in the past couple weeks, been able to put DS down drowsy & let him put himself to sleep. Sometimes, it takes 5 mins...other times, it take an hour of rolling & kicking around the crib.

DS isn't a talker & I'm worried that he won't "get" the fact that he needs to stay in bed.

I am gonna let the crib up for now, in hopes that this was a one time thing.

Someone come hold my hand & walk me thru this! ;-)

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Re: It happened!

  • Do you have a bumper in his crib or pillow? If so get rid of them and see if he can still climb out. 

    BFP #1 10/13/09 EDD 06/20/10 DS Born on 06/26/10
    BFP #2 03/08/11 EDD 11/16/11 DD Born on 11/04/11
    BFP #3 08/29/12 EDD 05/06/13 M/C on 08/30/12
    BFP #4 11/01/12 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C on 12/28/12
    BFP #5 04/30/13 EDD 01/03/14 DS Born on 01/02/14
    BFP #6 01/11/15 EDD 09/22/15 M/C 03/09/15
  • He had a Thomas the Train pillow. I took it out. He can throw his leg onto the rail on his own but I'm pretty sure he needs a "boost" to get over.

    Baby Boy #2 is on the way!

    BabyFetus Ticker
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  • We just converted DD's crib to the toddler bed. She was fully trained in less than a week and I really couldn't have asked for better. I feel like I usually think it's better to keep them in as long as possible, but now I'm just glad it's over with!
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  • Reading this makes me thank God that DS1 is a shorty.  DS2 on the other hand is tall, and might learn to climb out of the crib before DS1 does.  I would wait and see if he does it again, and if he does, it might be time for a toddler bed.  Good luck!
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  • He climbed out after his nap today, but he fell. :( I was really really hoping to keep him in there for another year. I'm thinking that we will probably convert the crib to the daybed version, this weekend.

    Now, I must toddler proof his room some more. Drawer locks & furniture wall straps for the dresser are in my future.

    Baby Boy #2 is on the way!

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • @gracefulruby33 -you give me hope! I'm terrified, lol

    Baby Boy #2 is on the way!

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Good luck, JamiesWife!  So far I haven't even seen DD trying to climb out of the crib.  I'm sure I'm jinxing myself by typing this.  :/  I hope she stays in it another year, too!  We'll see...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • DS did climbed out like 3 or 4 months ago and fell. I was absolutely not ready to switch him yet, so we left it and he hasn't done it since thank god! Let us know how the transition goes. Good luck!
  • DS kept climbing out of his crib and would come into our room. We put the toddler rail on and basically trained him to sleep in there almost all night.
    Married 02.06.10
    DS1 born 11.19.11
    DS2 born 07.02.14

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  • DD still sleeps in a sleep sac mostly because it inhibits climbing out. 

    Munchkin born 11/22/11
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  • Well, last night was the night. We took the crib side off, toddler proofed with furniture straps & removed stuff from the dresser.
    I did chicken out & rocked him all the way to sleep before I put him in the bed.

    I'm happy to report that he slept all night & didn't fall outta bed.

    Baby Boy #2 is on the way!

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Well, last night was the night. We took the crib side off, toddler proofed with furniture straps & removed stuff from the dresser.
    I did chicken out & rocked him all the way to sleep before I put him in the bed.

    I'm happy to report that he slept all night & didn't fall outta bed.

    He may surprise you! DS has never gotten out of his "big boy bed" ever since we moved him to a twin bed. He just waits until we come get him after nap time?
    Last week we even took the toddler rail off and he hasn't rolled out.
    Hopefully your DS continues to do well!
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  • @caffrin - I'm jealous. My friend's 2 yr old DD is like your DS, stays in the bed & calls out for someone to get her. DS gets out of bed when he wakes staying in the bed for him.

    He woke up at 1:30am & stood at the baby gate, crying out to us. :( DH was up with him until 4:30am. DH rocked him back to sleep, but DS was awake as soon as his head hit the pillow. DS stayed in bed & just rolled around and kicked the back side of the crib, making noise. DH even laid down on the floor hoping DS would just fall asleep.

    About 4:45am, a very tired DH & DS got in bed with me. Of course, DS was sleeping in no time. Something about mommy & daddy's bed, gets him every time.

    FX that tonight is better.


    Baby Boy #2 is on the way!

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I'm lurking from nov 13 bmb but I also have a DD that was born nov 2011. We just experienced this 2 weeks ago. She unexpectedly climbed out of her crib. It happened 3 more times in a row that night so I switched her to a twin mattress we already had set up in her room. We were planning to transition her in a month or so but she decided early. The first few nights were awful. Lots of crying and it seemed she really didn't want to be in either bed. I tried laying with her, consoling her, rocking her-nothing worked. I finally let her cry and would go check on her every 20 min or so. She stayed awake 3 hours past her bed time the first night, 2 hours past her bedtime the second night, and an hour past her bedtime the 3rd night but with only 5 minutes of crying at the beginning. By the fourth night she didn't cry at all. Now she's still taking a little longer to fall asleep but goes to bed happy and actually plays in bed in the morning instead of yelling out "Mama!" like she used to in her crib. Good luck it will eventually get better!

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