Please don't think I'm gross by asking this. Haha
When you send a
wet bag to daycare, do you wash it every day? Or do you take the
diapers out and send it back the next day then wash it on regular wash
day? We have 3 Planetwise bags and they take an eternity to dry, so
washing them everyday has become a bit of pain. Is it gross/weird to use
the bag for 2-3 days then wash it with the diapers?

"I wanted you more than you'll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go."

Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
Re: Daycare wetbag question...
If I used a wet bag on Monday, sent it back on Tuesday and washed it Tuesday night with diapers, I could send the second for Wednesday and Thursday, giving the first one enough time to dry. Does that make sense? Or do I just need to suck it up and buy more. lol
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
beta #2 11/28 = 2055
Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!