Cloth Diapering

Daycare wetbag question...

Please don't think I'm gross by asking this. Haha

When you send a wet bag to daycare, do you wash it every day? Or do you take the diapers out and send it back the next day then wash it on regular wash day? We have 3 Planetwise bags and they take an eternity to dry, so washing them everyday has become a bit of pain. Is it gross/weird to use the bag for 2-3 days then wash it with the diapers?

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Re: Daycare wetbag question...

  • I do diaper laundry every other day. A wet bag goes to daycare every day. When I bring home the diapers in the wet bag, right now I'm putting the diapers and the wet bag in the laundry. It takes over 24 hours for the large planetwise bags to 100% hang dry (even when I hang it pulled apart). I keep one wet bag at home all the time, so I've been trying to rotate between the two others for daycare, but keep having to send one of them to daycare still damp.

    If I used a wet bag on Monday, sent it back on Tuesday and washed it Tuesday night with diapers, I could send the second for Wednesday and Thursday, giving the first one enough time to dry. Does that make sense? Or do I just need to suck it up and buy more. lol

    "I wanted you more than you'll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go."

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    Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

    Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD

  • I totally see what you mean...  I have reused a wetbag but only if it's one that I had used (like on a Sunday) and only had 1-2 pee dipes in it.  I started with 1 planet bag, 1 rumparooz bag (which is bigger than I like/need for DC) and 2 alva wet/dry bags.  I recently picked up a med-large kawaii bag and finally feel like I have enough.  Some days DD is only at DC for 5 hours and some days 9, so it helps to have different sizes.  

    And isn't the answer here that you always need to buy more? ;)

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  • More more more! I have 5, one stays in her room, one stays in our room, 2 alternate for DC, and the 5th is backup. I'd recommend bummis. They dry super quick and work great.
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  • I have 1 medium PW wetbag for daycare. I turn it inside out and rinse the pul in the sink at night and send it back the next day. It's holding dirty diapers after all, and it's going to smell like pee inside as soon as the first diaper goes in it. My DC also bags bm diapers before putting them in there, so there's never poop on the pul. I wash Tuesdays and Saturdays, and haven't had a problem.
  • Kanga care wet bags go in the dryer (low heat setting). I haven't tried planet wise for comparison purposes, but kanga care is awesome.
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