I was wondering if any of you had a story similar to mine and would be willing to share the outcome or had any answers to my questions below.
I am scheduled to be induced this Monday at 11 days past my due date. I have not dilated more than 1 cm and am barely effaced, so will be going to the hospital the night before to get a synthetic prostaglandin to ripen my cervix. Baby is very happy and healthy, he was an estimated 9 lbs and 4 oz at the 40 week sonogram! My doctor said that I am in the 'grey area' of whether I should have a c-section or not based on the baby's size.
I have so many worries and questions such as: Will I end up needing a c-section (I have heard they are more common with an induction)? Will my labor be more difficult because of the induction? If I deliver vaginally will I have massive tearing because of his size? Are sonogram weight estimates even close to being right, and since they estimated 9 lbs 4 oz over a week ago, how much bigger is he now??
Thank you all for your help and the sharing of your birth stories!
Re: Induction Question
Typically, sonograms have a margin of error of about 1lb. But it could go either way, bigger or smaller than estimated. Babies grow about a half a pound per week. But those are both approximate, not exact.
My first was 8lbs 2oz, delivered vaginally, no induction, 6 days after my due date. My good friend had a 9lb 7oz baby, with forceps to get him out, on her due date. We both ended up with 3rd degree tears. Hers was a bit worse than mine, but healed faster, so she was back to normal a few weeks before I was. She's already had another baby and is thinking about baby 3. I'm 37 weeks pregnant with baby 2. So, neither of us was overly traumatized by our tearing. Yes it was annoying and painful, but not as bad as I feared in my head beforehand.
Oh, and I was told my son would be smaller than 7lbs... I think the estimates are ridiculous.
BFP #1 12/02/11, M/C 12/08/11
BFP #2 04/06/12, DD born 12/20/12
BFP #3 06/09/14, M/C 06/15/14
Started TTC in 2006, LOTS of trying, and trying, and 7 rounds of IVF with 13 embryos, 2 perfect little boys and 5 loses....
All finished with babies, started to make diet changes, Keto, to be MORE for my kids, lost 30 pounds, still going, and 3 months in, I had a natural cycle, and then ovulated... Hubs and I are going to see what happens now... Maybe a natural pregnancy? After everything we have been through? Or just a return to normal hormones? We shall see what the future holds!
Baby Dust To All!!!