Cloth Diapering

Cloth diaper for an older child?

Hi everyone, just started cloth dispering my 17 month year old and it is going great! I just had a question about also cloth diapering my 4 year old, nearly 40 lb DS. He still needs a diaper at night. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!
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Re: Cloth diaper for an older child?

  • From the diapers I have purchased, I would say Kawaii are the biggest. As for absorbency, I can't help there. Maybe someone else can?
    Chad and Fawn

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  • You'd probably be better off with toddler sized prefolds and a cover or wool at night. I think Bummis make a big enough cover. There isn't many dipes made to go past 35lbs. Another option is Blueberrys. They are made really large.
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  • I doubt Kawaii would fit your DS. My 3 yo is 35 lbs (41"), and they don't fit her anymore.

    If your DS has thinner thighs, the Sunbaby Trainers may work. We have some, and they fit great everywhere but the thighs. The pockets are nice and big for stuffing too. Another option is the Alva big baby diapers. We're on the middle rise and tightest waist for those. Or the Flip trainers may work. I use two of the inserts overnight without leaks.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • Fuzzibunz large.

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  • edited September 2013
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  • Blueberry covers are quite large. I forgot about that one. :)
    Chad and Fawn

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  • Fuzzibunz perfect size in large are ginormous.
    DS-"Sprocket" born 3.27.11 Baby #2- due 9.10.13 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Kawaiis don't fit my 2 1/2 35pound boy any longer. We use trifolded hemp prefolds and flip covers or blueberry covers.
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  • edited September 2013
    Fuzzibunz size large should fit--they are really generously sized! Blueberry covers are quite generous, as well. I think the largest sized Bummis covers could work, too. Perhaps Sbish snapless fitteds, as well??
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  • Thanks all, I do have some fuzzibunz large, but he soaked through it a few of the nights. It did fit him well. What is the best thing to stuff them at night? I have all kinds of inserts and I am open to buying more! I am just sick of buying disposable diapers every month :)
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I really like the JoeyBunz one size hemp inserts (I think they're made by BabyKicks) -- they are very thin and stuff well into Fuzzibunz. We haven't tried them overnight but it may be worth a shot. My daughter is a heavy wetter so we have only ever tried fitteds at night.
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  • Fuzzibuns size large stuffed with a prefold and a hemp or bamboo insert?
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