Birth Stories

Down Syndrome Birth Story

Hello to everyone! My name is Kelsey and I just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy last month (July 25). He was diagnosed with Down Syndrome at birth. I have created a blog to raise awareness, and to hopefully help other mothers out there that may be going through the same things as I did. I am very honest with my emotions in my blog, especially for my most recent post : Anthony's Birth Story. Please read my story, and pass it along to help raise awareness that a diagnosis of Down Syndrome is not the end of the world. Instead, it is the beginning of a bigger and better world than you could have ever imagined!

Re: Down Syndrome Birth Story

  • What a beautiful birth story- my sister in law has Downs Syndrome and is the sweetest and happiest person I know!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thank you so much for sharing your story...Anthony is a beautiful baby.  Congratulations on his birth.
    Me 35, DH 36
    TTC summer 2008
    Diagnose me. DOR, DH perfect
    IUI # 1 6/2010, BFN
    IUI # 2 8/2010, BFN
    IVF # 1 10/2010 Canceled poor response
    IVF 1.2 12/2010 BFP! mc 6 weeks 2 days
    Mental health break for 10 months
    IVF # 2 10/2011 BFN
    IVF # 3 5/2012 BFP! 10 eggs retrieved (best ever)
    7 fertilized transferred 3
    Beta #1 14dpo - 72, Beta #2 17dpo 145 Beta 3 20dpo 521
    First u/s June 15 saw HB 126 bpm missed m/c 7/5/12 10 weeks D&C 7/6/12
    IVF#4 ER 9/30 ET 10/3 Beta 10/16 BFFN. IVF #5 final with o/e. ER 1/21 only 1 retrieved, hoping my lonestar is the one. Beta #1 2/6/13 = 209.... please let this be it! Keep growing lonestar! Beta #2 2/8/13 - 586! , Beta #3 2/10/13 = 1898. First u/s perfect little heart beat at 116 bpm. Measure 6 weeks 1 day. EDD 10/14/13
    3/4/13 measuring right on track beautiful heartbeat 171 bpm, graduated from RE to OB... bittersweet.
    PAIF/SAIF always welcome! Its a girl! 

    Maggie Grace is here!  10/5/13... 8lbs 6 ounces of pure joy!

    TTC#2  No birth control since DD was born.  Getting ready to jump back in the saddle.  Weaning this month. RE
    appt scheduled 5/8.   Here we go again!

    IFV# 6.  10/27  6 retrieved 4 mature 3 fertilized.  2 made it to 3dt 10/30. 1"very pretty 8 cell" and 1 6 cell.  Beta
    11/13.   Please stick embies!!!!  We love you so much already! 11/12/14  POAS, BFP... beta tomorrow!
    11/13 beta #1  924!!!  2nd bet 11/15 1906, one more on 11/17 3rd & final beta 3430.  First u/s 12/5, 7w4d, 2 heartbeats,
    both measuring right on track....2nd u/s... all is well... both beans measuring right on track... released from RE... first
    appointment with MFM 1/5.  Looks like this is really happening!


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  • He's adorable!!! Very good birth story. Thank you for sharing!
    January 2009: Goodbye TR (13 weeks) February 2010: Welcome DD1! March 2011: Welcome DD2! Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Your son is beautiful... your story was amazing.  Thank you for sharing.  Your son is perfect and yalls lives will be forever blessed with this adorable little boy.  He is also blessed with having such an amazing mom (parents). 
  • Thank you for sharing your story.
    December Siggy Challenge:

    A Charlie Brown Christmas


  • Congratulations. :) I have a nephew with Down Syndrome and he is the cutest little guy. :)
  • Congrats! Thank you for sharing your story.
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