March 2013 Moms

sitting unassisted question

I know I'll probably get crap for this, but I really don't know, so I'm asking. When you guys are saying your LO's are sitting unassisted, do you mean they got in that position themselves, or can just hold themselves up? In other words, are they doing a situp to get there? Thanks!
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Re: sitting unassisted question

  • I don't know about other LOs but mine can't actually get into the position himself, but can sit briefly without my help once I sit him up.
  • To me it means that once in the position, they can stay sitting up without being held or supported by something.  DD can't actually sit up into the position, but if I sit her down she can stay sitting.
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  • Sitting when put in the position. That's what DS2 is doing now, not putting himself into a sitting position yet.

    I can't remember how long after sitting unassisted DS1 was able to get himself into the position himself.  A couple weeks, maybe?
  • I consider if staying put without falling over.

    LO can sit unassisted but can't get himself in that position.


  • Well I think that answers it, thank you all :)
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