

I don't want to get too TMI with this, so I'll just ask if anyone has IBS and, if so, if medication was of any help? I'm having a rough week, stomach wise and unsure if I should see a doctor or what. Between this and fall boots, I need lots of help today!

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"I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black

Re: IBS?

  • I have Crohn's, not IBS. However, symptoms can be similar and I was treated for IBS for some time before getting diagnosed.

    I always found that eating as bland as possible helped. As in oatmeal with water and nothing. No diary except maybe yogurt. And water. Loads of water. If you are into that kind of thing, fennel tea supposedly works wonders on people.

    Can't help meds wise - I am still looking.
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  • I know I should try to modify my diet to see if it helps but dammit I don't want to! I'm just frustrated because things were going so well for so long and I haven't changed my diet to make them bad again.

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    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
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  • @BrandiBee, what type of fiber supplement do you use?

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    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • I have IBS and FM but when having a flare up no fast food and avoid dairy. Stress can be a trigger for a relapse/flare up for me.
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  • JPinkmanJPinkman member
    edited September 2013

    I have Crohn's - originally thought was just UC.

    I was on Lialda full time - but since having DD#2, thankfully, I have not flared.  The studies are inconclusive on BF and Lialda use so I didn't want to take it while BF DD#2.

    I will take Lialda again if I have recurring symptoms. 

    DD#1 born 9/29/2010; DD#2 born 2/25/2013

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  • I'm not a doctor but I believe IBS is a lazy diagnosis and that it's usually a sign of another problem.  For me, my IBS was all diet related.  Changed my diet, haven't had a problem since

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  • edited September 2013
    I developed IBS in relation to my panic/anxiety something that's helped me is a very low dose of Ativan (drug related to xanax), to take the edge of my panic off, thus preventing the physical symptoms that come with it.  But I actually more often than not try to get by without going this route... I actually have not gotten a prescription filled since before I got pregnant (mix of laziness, and also working on trying to manage it in a non-medicinal way).... also, I am convinced the chemical changes in pregnancy actually eased my anxiety a bit because ever since I got pregnant it has greatly reduced... not really sure why, it's a curiosity of mine.  It still flares up once in a while, but not as severe as in the past.  During my whole pregnancy I actually did not have a panic attack which was unusual since I was faced with a few of my major fears.... perhaps my body chemically put itself into protect mode and kept me calm, who knows...maybe it was just all the hormonal differences somehow leveled me...but it was awesome.

    Anyway, I veered off a bit sorry.... I still sometimes get the IBS even if I'm not feeling particularly anxious (or maybe it's underlying), and I havent really found much for relief in those instances besides avoiding certain greasy foods and trying to keep up on fiber... I'm interested in seeing other responses here for things to try

    Cat leg goes crazy and beats itself in the face

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  • I avoid greasy food and dairy. I have wicked lactose intolerance.
  • My IBS was stress induced. I used to take Lonox, a stomach tranquilizer. It slowed things down enough so I could digest properly.

    Now I have noticed that dairy makes my stomach act up. Have you considered that you may have a lactose intolerance? Try going without dairy for two weeks and see if you see improvements.
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  • My IBS/FM was mostly from a gluten allergy, but even after cutting out the gluten I have some symptoms because of the damage done.  It's way worse during stressful times (like now), so I have to be sure to try and take time to relax.  The only diet I found that really helped wasn't based so much on what you eat, but what order you eat.  Always start your meals with a soluble fiber (think rice, pasta, bread, potato).  Then eat your meats/veggies.  Limit raw veggies as much as possible.  Other than that, like PPs, I try to keep up my fiber intake and drink lots of water to flush everything through.  I've never been meds specifically for IBS, but when on low-dose anti-depressants for the FM/anxiety, they definitely helped the IBS. 

    You can also try peppermint and ginger, either in supplements or in tea form.  Those work wonders during a flare up to calm the spasms and ease the pain. 

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • I was diagnosed with IBS 5 years ago. My gastro Dr prescribed some pills to help make me go. I was like, I don't think you understand. I am going all too often on my own. I want to stop going so often!! I asked to be tested for allergies or intolerances. He said nope, it's IBS and that was that. So I threw away the prescription and took matters into my own hands. I decided to stop drinking caffeine. (I was a Coke addict!) Almost immediately I saw I difference! I also stopped eating so much processed foods at breakfast. Bagels, pop tarts, etc. GL! I haven't had caffeine (aside from a cup of tea once in a while) and I don't miss it.
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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

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  • MrsCodeMonkeyMrsCodeMonkey member
    edited September 2013

    My IBS is related to my Fibromyalgia.  Bentyl seemed to help mine.

    My MIL has fibromyalgia. She is in constant pain and she seems to deal with a lot of gas and diarrhea. This is to the point where she can't go out to dinner and misses family events.

    Are there foods you avoid when you have fibromyalgia? I suggested cutting out dairy. It helped me a lot. She doesn't want to try it. There are times when she eats a pint of Ben and Jerry's in a sitting. It's none of my business, but when she complains about it constantly I'd like to offer up a solution.

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  • Robin, my doctor basically told me as such-that they basically say IBS when they can't figure it out. What is your diet like? I think I eat pretty good, but I do eat some junk too.

    I also have a lot of anxiety, but that's been for awhile now.

    I will def look for this fiber con stuff. I feel like I'm at a really bad place with my stomach all the sudden. It's so freaking frustrating.

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    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • Robin, my doctor basically told me as such-that they basically say IBS when they can't figure it out. What is your diet like? I think I eat pretty good, but I do eat some junk too.

    I also have a lot of anxiety, but that's been for awhile now.

    I will def look for this fiber con stuff. I feel like I'm at a really bad place with my stomach all the sudden. It's so freaking frustrating.

    It seems that in a lot of cases, anxiety is involved. Your body starts producing adrenalin for the fight or flight response, which in turn makes you violently empty your bowels. It really sucks what stress and anxiety can do to our bodies.

    On the other hand, there is definitely a correlation to our diets. Certain foods seem to trigger it.

    Either way, it's unpleasant and very embarrassing in public. I hope you find something that works.

    True story: years ago I was 30 sec too late to a public bathroom. Face palm! I threw away my undies and cleaned myself up and my friends had no clue, but I was mortified.
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  • @jlphillips4 Check this out from WebMD: A food journal and elimination diet is tough, but after the initial period, it would in theory help a lot.
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  • LoveActually4LoveActually4 member
    edited September 2013
    I have Celiac disease but even on a GF diet my stomach gets upset very easily.

    I can't eat rich foods for breakfast and most of the time for lunch either. I have rice cakes and PB every day for breakfast and sometimes for lunch too. I can eat a sandwich, eggs or oatmeal but nothing more rich than that. If I ever ate a mcD's breakfast I would die!

    I also cut out red meat (maybe once in a while as a treat!), heavy cream sauces and anything too spicy. Those are just what works for me.

    I have a friend with severe IBS who was just put on a new probiotic that is changing her life. She's had IBS for years and never had relief. I'll message her and ask for the name of it.

    ETA the name of the probiotic is Align



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  • @mamaREB29, you can just buy that over the counter, right? I'm a picky vegetarian so the idea of eliminating foods makes me want to cry, but I'm going to try it after this hellish week.

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    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • LoveActually4LoveActually4 member
    edited September 2013
    @LittleJerry You can! She said it had really helped her. She was doubtful because she's been on some pretty heavy duty meds for it. She did say it took about a month for it to kick in so you have to stick with it.



    My 4 Angel Babies.....
    MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009

    Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!

  • Thanks for the probiotic info! @mamaREB29
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