Cloth Diapering

what to do with poo?

Hi, Im just trying to decide if I want to do cloth diapering. How do you get the poo out? Do u just throw in the wash or do u have to rinse the diaper, how do you rinse? What kind of washing is required, do you use bleach or what? Thanks!

Me:: 32 DH: 37

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Re: what to do with poo?

    edited September 2013

    When baby is just eating BM/FF, then poo is water soluable and you can just throw it in the washer.  Once baby starts solids and the poo gets peanut butter consistency you need to remove it from the diaper in some way before washing. 

    Some "dunk and swish" in the toilet.  Others prefer to have a dedicated spatula for scraping off poo.  Others use something like this:  I love mine!

    For washing, you definitely need to use a cloth diaper safe detergent and no fabric softener in the wash or dryer!  I like the pinstripes and polka dots website as a resource for what detergents are safe.

    The "right" wash routine will depend on your water, detergent, and diapers.  In general, you'll need to do a cold or warm rinse first to remove the poo/pee.  Then follow with a hot (as hot as you can get but not sanitary) wash with detergent (usually less than the det. manufacturer recommends) and then a cold rinse.  A lot of moms add a second cold rinse to be sure all the detergent is out.  (Detergent build-up is a common cause for diapers to either stink or repel.)  Most moms then line dry their covers/PUL containing diapers and dry on low or medium any inserts, although some do dry their PUL on low.

    Depending on how many diapers you have, you can wash anywhere from every day to every 3 days.  I wouldn't go longer than 3 days between washing as letting diapers sit dirty any longer is rough on your diapers.

    If you have problems, come here as the ladies are AWESOME for troubleshooting! 

     ETA:  You shouldn't use (or need to use) bleach on a regular basis, but I have used is occasionally to fight build-up or yeast.  Also if you get stains, all you need to do is put wet diapers out in the sun for 1-2 hours.  Magic!  


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  • ally2011ally2011 member
    edited September 2013
    For EBF poop I have only ever done a regular hot wash cycle, sometimes I add a post-wash rinse, but I do not pre-rinse and have never had stink issues.

    I was every other day.

    We are so thankful that our second daughter, Lillian Elizabeth "Lily", was born healthy and happy on February 11, 2013.  We love her to pieces.  

    We lost our first daughter, Hannah Grace on May 4, 2011.  She was buried on May 14 during a beautiful service at my home church. We are grateful that if she could not be here with us, that she is healed and whole with the Lord. We look forward to the day when we will get to meet her. We love her so much.

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  • I use diaper liners. You lay it in the diaper & lift it out, along with the solids. Toss it in the toilet if flushable, or toss in trash. Wash diaper according to pp directions. It's an extra expense, but worth it to me.

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