I downloaded two free MP3s through the Hypnobabies site and the introduction track says that they stress that you do not take any other birthing classes or methods because they contradict each other, or teach different things. Before I heard this I had plaaned on getting the Hypnobabies home study course AND the Bradley Method book and workbook. (I want to be prepared!) But is this a bad idea? Would that be overkill and sabotage my purpose?
Re: Hypnobabies AND Bradley Method?
I haven't gone through labor yet but my feeling was that preparing both of us/two frames of mind for labor would be a good thing. If I wind up becoming very introspective and wanting to zone out/be left alone, the hypnosis tracks could be helpful. If I wind up needing to move around a lot or need help focusing or suggestions for different labor positions/massage/more physical support from an outside source, then DH feels very prepared with Bradley.
A very good simplification, something to think about. Thanks for the response!
FTR, I am practicing some hypnobirthing stuff to prepare for this upcoming birth, and I think it goes along quite well with my Bradley background.
ETA: @sschwege has a very good point about the fundamental difference. In that light, I can see how Bradley information would be counterproductive to hypno. However, the reason I chose Bradley the first time around was because I had heard a lot of first hand stories from women who trained using Hypnobirthing expecting a painless birthing experience, and ended up opting for the epidural because they didn't know how to cope with it. I did experience pain in labor but felt very equipped to handle it.
I have read the Mongan book and use a lot of the imagery and scripts for my daily relaxation practices. It seems that you can use Hypnobirthing as a supplement to Bradley, but not vice versa.
Stalk away! I love having people give their opinions and experiences. I haven't looked to buy the books yet but I saw it metioned somewhere and just wrote it down as something to look into.
I'll be honest, Im terrified that I won't be able to do this so I'm trying to overload on information and techniques and just about anything to try.
For my second birth just a couple weeks ago I decided to not do anything in preparation and instead just listen to my body and use more movement. I also had a home birth which was tremendously better in allowing me cope better. For actual labor I listened to music, played games on my phone to distract myself and bounced on ball then moved to the birth pool and when things were intense enough I couldn't tall had husband apply pressure to my forehead. I made sure to be in optimal positions for birthing at all times...leaning forwards, squatting and hands and knees.
I'm not a fan of the hypno alone but could be more successful for me if used in combination with other techniques.
Im just finishing up my Hyonobabies course and love it and it covers preparing and training your birth partner also and there's even cd's for them to listen too. Also, there is A LOT of childbirth education too.
I honestly dont feel that you would need to take any other course ontop of hypnobabies, maybe breastfeeding, etc, but nothing pertaining to childbirth. I thought it covered everything, I feel totally ready and prepared and Im a first time mum!!! and I also have a degree in the human body so I'm pretty good at detecting when stuff written about the body is inadequate or BS lol
Check out this thread that compares hypnobirthing to hypnobabies https://community.babycenter.com/post/a22685789/hypnobirth_vs_hypnobabies