My mom and I have never really had a great relationship, but I try to keep in touch with her. We only live about five minutes away from each other, and she has only seen Winter twice and she is 13 weeks old. She came to Rainys birthday party, but ignored her the whole time to play with DDs cousins, and wouldn't even get up and sing happy birthday to her with the rest of the family. Oh, and she said that I'm not a very good mother. She told me to go through the birthday pictures, and said it didn't look like a happy little girls 3rd birthday:( I don't know what she means by that. I did go through the pics and Rainy does look happy to me. She had a princess party just like she wanted, had on her Tangled dress as she calls, and lots of pictures with her smiling with other family members.
I don't understand why things are like this. I have asked her multiple times why she doesn't treat my dds the same as the rest of the grand kids, and she said that she has a special bond with all the other kids, but not with mine. She also said that I don't allow her to be a grandmother to my kids. Since when do grandmas need permission to be a part of their grand babies lives?
Anyways, I drove over to my moms place this weekend and a neighbor told me she had moved. Why wouldn't my own mom not tell me she was moving?? All 3 of my sisters said they knew about it, but not one of them called me either. I just don't get it. What have I done that is so wrong that my own mom wouldn't tell me she is moving:( I am just so tired of finding out on fb about family get togethers that dh and I weren't invited too. It's so hurtful to see pics of dds cousins all together and my girls are left out.
I'm not sure what I am looking for here. You would think having 3 sisters I would have someone to talk to but I don't. I am the oldest of 4 daughters, and she had me at 17. She makes me wonder if I ruined her life, and maybe that's why she treats me this way. Like I said I am not sure what I am looking for. I just needed to get this out.

Re: I'm sad.
I agree with Hilarity. I'd stop trying. My relationship with my mom sucked a lot of tears out of me over the years. I decided to ignore her. If she can't be there then I'm not gonna be there.
More hugs!
I am so sorry. It sounds like you've made every effort. I think you should stop making those efforts for now.
I just skimmed through the other responses, so I might be repeating this advice, but maybe you could talk to some kind of counselor to get help letting go of those expectations/hopes you have for your mother/daughter relationship.
Again, I'm so sorry.
Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
I just want to say thank you to all of you ladies. This isn't the first time I have came to Parenting for advice or just to vent about parenting stuff, and y'all have always been so good to me, and I can't tell you how much that helps:)
I have a similar situation in my dad's family where my aunt had her first daughter at 17 and treats her like shit and the two daughters she had later in life are perfect and wonderful and don't screw up like she does (which is false, but how their mom thinks).
It's not right. It's never been right. Unfortunately some people are a-holes and we can't control what they say do or think.
I agree with trying to get away from the toxicity though.
My dad had the same relationship with his mother, that you do with yours. My dads mom had 10 Grandkids, and she treated the 4 of us like dirt. As we got older, we could tell that we where treated alot differently than our cousins, and that really hurt us. She even went as far as to tell us that she never loved us because my mother is full blood Indian. After that, my dad cut off all contact her, and we where better off because of it.
My advice to you is to do what PP's have said, and cut her off.
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"><a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>It is sad, but I think it is time for you to break ties. It may hurt initially, but it will safe you heartbreak in the future.
My grandmother is like that. She has always been shitty to me and favored my cousins. I stopped talking to her on my 25th birthday, and the last 7 years were much less stressful.
I don't understand how she can hate the fact that I married my best friend.Oh! and she was mad that I got pregnant with DD2. When I told her all she said was "thats just more money I have to spend on Christmas." She actually told me while I was in high school that I should get pregnant by him so he wouldn't leave me. Who tells their 17 year old that kind of shit??
I don't understand the reason behind most of the shit that comes out of my mother's mouth. I feel sad for my mom almost. She thinks she is the Godfather of our extended family. Nobody actually likes her. They are just afraid of upsetting her or making her mad.
I take comfort in the fact that I am nothing like her. I have my flaws, but I will never play mind games with my children.
I really hope you can get to a similar place over time. You don't have to like the person she is and her opinions don't have to matter.