Baby Showers

Registry for 2nd baby, 5 yrs apart, different sex - tacky?

Hello everyone! We are expecting a daughter in January, 5 years after our son. We do not need a ton of things, just some small stuff. Family and friends have started asking what to get, which always makes me uncomfortable. A friend suggested registering, we won't be having another shower, and I certainly wouldn't advertise, but it was suggested as a way to make my own list of what we need, and if someone is insistent, a list they could use as well. I just do not want to offend anyone!

Re: Registry for 2nd baby, 5 yrs apart, different sex - tacky?

  • Making a registry in and of itself isn't tacky.  Advertising it to anyone who walks by you and asks how you are doing is.  
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    He's the single greatest thing I've done in my life and reminds me daily of how fun (and funny) life can be.  He's turned out pretty swell for having such a heartless and evil mother.  
  • I am in a very similar situation, due with my second almost 5 years later. I did a registry for the coupons. I think there is nothing wrong with registering or telling people who ask that you registered. when it becomes tacky IMO is big showers or sending registry link out to everyone you know.  

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  • AEBlair06 said:
    Hello everyone! We are expecting a daughter in January, 5 years after our son. We do not need a ton of things, just some small stuff. Family and friends have started asking what to get, which always makes me uncomfortable. A friend suggested registering, we won't be having another shower, and I certainly wouldn't advertise, but it was suggested as a way to make my own list of what we need, and if someone is insistent, a list they could use as well. I just do not want to offend anyone!
    I don't see anything wrong with it.  I'm using mine as more of a checklist for DH and myself.  We don't' need a lot, but the completion coupon will be helpful.  Agree with PP, if someone asks about it you can tell them you have one, otherwise just use it for yourself.  I wouldn't tell the world you're registering.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That's fine.
    I plan to privately register for #2. I want the completion discount, especially from PBK!!
  • I agree with all PPs
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  • The registry might also help people who want to get you a gift but aren't sure what you need.  I know whenever one of my friends has a baby whether it is their first or not, I check the major sites to see if they have a registry.  I just bought a cousin some small things off her registry since she is about to have her second baby and isn't having a shower.  Some people might buy you things from it without you telling them where/if you are registered.  
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  • Thanks everyone. I agree, advertising it would be ridiculous, and yes! I forgot about the coupons/savings for registering, so that is an added bonus!
  • No problem whatsoever. A registry is a great way for you to keep track of what you need, and giving the registry info to anyone who expresses desire to buy you a gift, but doesn't know exactly what to buy, is perfectly acceptable. Advertising it on Facebook or skywriting is where it gets tacky.

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