I'm glad I came in herem. I need a new look and I can't dress myself. What do you wear with cardigans? Tank top underneath? Scarves for indoors? I seriously dress like a child and I need help.
I need to update my fall/winter wardrobe. Nothing fits like it did pre baby but I am small enough now that I feel comfortable buying new clothes. I love sweaters specifically v necks and cowl necks. Also sweater dress with leggings or thick tights and boots!
I looove the polka dots. Can't spend $79 for a cardi, though. Might have to find a knock off. I've been looking for polka dot ballet flats. Let me know if you see any for $30ish.
I usually wear a purple corduroy blazer with a flowy scarf, skinny jeans and boots or ballet flats. I'd love to find a hat for fall too. Anyone wear messenger boy hats? Is that what they're called?
I confess that I'm intimidated by tall boots. I really want some, but feel like I will wear them wrong and look/feel silly. I think this is embarrassing and makes me sound 90 years old.
DS is 1DAF
"I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
I need to get a actual wardrobe... right now I wear jeans or denim shorts every day and tshirts all the time. I have to get a teaching wardrobe someday and I have no idea what I'm doing. Also, I wear jeans and sneakers. The fashion people would kill me. (
@CTGirl30 I went to ON and found the polka dot shoes for $22. Thank u! I found hot pink ones for $7 for next summer. To top it off, all the kids stuff was on sale, so I bought DD an outfit and an Elmo costume. Spent more than I intended, but got lots of stuff.
So, can hippie ladies wear leggings?? I need a new look that works for a sahm but one that doesn't look like I shopped at Forever 21 bc I'm 31 and apparently old as balls by the looks I got walking in there last spring.
It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid
So, can hippie ladies wear leggings?? I need a new look that works for a sahm but one that doesn't look like I shopped at Forever 21 bc I'm 31 and apparently old as balls by the looks I got walking in there last spring.
I think you can, but I would get thicker ones than what they sell at F21. You want something with good support and coverage. And if you wear them as pants, I will hunt you down.
I got "jeggings" at White House black market last spring and I lurve them! But I had to take out another mortgage on my house bc that store is so expensive! @richardslap Where do you get thick ones? And can you wear them as pants with tunics? I promise to never wear them with just a tshirt. Yikes, no body needs to see that.
It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid
Re: Fall Wardrobe
The people of Florida
You wanted links so here are links to two cardis I just got on sale and I can't freaking wait for them to arrive!
I am a HUGE fan of Lands' End clothing!
Open cardigans. They help me extend my spring/summer wardrobe. I wear them over tanks tops, sleeveless blouses and dresses.
Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
I usually wear a purple corduroy blazer with a flowy scarf, skinny jeans and boots or ballet flats. I'd love to find a hat for fall too. Anyone wear messenger boy hats? Is that what they're called?
right now I wear jeans or denim shorts every day and tshirts all the time.
I have to get a teaching wardrobe someday and I have no idea what I'm doing.
Also, I wear jeans and sneakers.
The fashion people would kill me.
Listen, woman. I can't right now, because I'm about to work my yoga mat.
I just got a few pairs of the skechers GoWalk Autumn. Not fashionable, but so very comfortable. They'll look great with my jeans and sweaters:)