Baby Names

Need a middle name for Elle or Harper.

My husband and I really like the name Elle or Eloise (call her Elle) for a girls name. Harper and is also in the running. But we are having trouble coming up with middle names. Our last name is Hess if that helps. So far we thought of Elle Louise, Elle Renee, Harper Lee or Harper Mae.

Re: Need a middle name for Elle or Harper.

  • I immediately thought of Elle Louise!
    I like Eloise Renee
    Eloise Paige
    Eloise Claire
    if you go with Elle as the first name I think the mn should be a longer name like
    Elle Alexandra
  • Not a fan of Elle Louise or Harper Lee, but I do think Harper Mae would work.  Other ideas:

    Harper Claire
    Harper Jane
    Harper Elise

    Elle Alexandra
    Elle Antoinette
    Elle Caroline
    Elle Victoria

    ** After  2 1/2 years of Unexplained IF, 2 failed medicated cycles, and 4 failed IUI's - our baby girl came to us through the miracle of
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  • I think Elle Louise just sounds like you split apart the name Eloise. FWIW, I do prefer Eloise, nn Elle to just plain Elle. If you stick with Elle, I do think you need a longer MN...

    Elle Catherine/Katherine/Kathryn
    Elle Victoria
    Elle Charlotte
    Elle Genevieve

    I agree with others that Harper Lee = To Kill A Mockingbird. If that's not what you're going for...

    Harper Claire
    Harper Kate
    Harper Joyce
    Harper Rose
    Harper Elise
    Harper Adele
    - I think practically every one or two syllable name sounds good with Harper
    DD 2/21/2012 & DS 4/1/2014
  • mj.reilly said:
    I really like Eloise Renee Hess or Eloise Mae Hess.

    You do know who Harper Lee is right? Great author, but I wouldn't name my kid after her.

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  • I prefer Eloise, with the nn Elle.  I always think the name Elle, on its own, sounds unfinished.  So, if you went with Eloise, what about Eloise Harper?

    I also love the first name Harper.  Harper Mae is my favorite of your choices, but I also like Harper Louise. (Don't do Harper Lee unless you're really a huge TKAM fan and, even then, it seems a little overboard.)

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  • I would go with Eloise or Elle. Since you don't use the mn in everyday life I don't think Harper Hess flows very well. Eloise or Elle sound much better with your last name. Eloise Renee is pretty a well as pp's suggestions of Victoria, Mae, an Claire.
  • Elle is our girl name, so of course I'll vote for that! Do you like Elle Harper? Or maybe not with your last name? Good point by a PP that Harper Hess doesn't flow very well...but it's not horrible. Of the Elle MNs you listed, I prefer Renee. I'm hoping we use Jeanette as our MN, it has family meaning, but DH isn't sold. We'll see! Good luck!
    TTC #1 since Sept 2011
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  • I like pp suggestion of Eloise Harper

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