Natural Birth

Hypnobirthing and Husbands

We start our Hypnobirthing classes tomorrow. One 2 1/2 hour class, once a week for 5 weeks. To any other Hypnobirthing Moms out there - how bored was your husband in class?

Don't get me wrong - my H is really supportive and is happy to attend, and he's all for me going natural. But, tonight when I told him the class was 2 1/2 hours long he seemed surprised. haha
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Re: Hypnobirthing and Husbands

  • Mine actually fell asleep a few times! Lol but he did learn a lot in it and it showed because he was really alert, attentive and informed when we actually labored!

    His biggest complaint was that the class met after a long day of work and was quite long, so it's no wonder that husbands might be less able to pay attention.

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  • My DH was a trooper. I would catch him screwing around on his phone even once in a while. But, when the time came and I was in labor, I was shocked at what he remembered. He actually remembered some things that I didn't! He remembered all of my birth preferences and was a terrific support person. So...even if your DH seems bored or distracted, He will probably pick up more than you will expect. And, DH and I both fell asleep several times! They have you practice the relaxation techniques towards the end of each class. After a long day at work, listening to our instructor reading the relaxation scripts totally zonked us out. : )
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  • DH wasn't bored, he really enjoyed it.  Oh and ours was longer, four classes for 3 hours each.
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