I know Summer is technically officially over in about six hours for most of you, but it's lingering here.
It's too goddamn hot. Summer is like that friend who gets really drunk at a party. You miss them when you haven't seen them in a while. You're excited when you hear you'll see him and are excited when he arrives. At first you have a blast.
Then he just lingers and gets less fun and more annoying. At this point Summer is just that drunk party guest that won't take a hint and go home.
Go Home, Summer! You're drunk! Bring on Early Fall (but Winter with it's 8 hours total of daylight can stay away kthanx)
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
Re: Fuck Summer
I will say I live in a state where people think it's hot and turn their AC and wear shorts at 75.
You don't know summer, bro.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Fuck summer.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
That is rough. I'm sorry. And yes, mom's groups are strange and awkward. I hope you're able to make some new friends soon!
Summer wasn't that great this year though.
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!