
Questions about c-section..kind of long, sorry!

My son was born by c-section in January 2011.  I had just gone in for my 36 week appointment and had found out my son was frank breech (I was 36+3) and 2 days later I was at the hospital 5cm dilated and 50% effaced at 36+5.  They did a quick ultrasound to make sure he was still breech and then within an hour we were in surgery.  I remember the surgery very clearly but afterwards is a little hazy.  So I'm hoping you ladies that have had experience with c-sections can help to clarify a little. 

My son was born crying they weighed and measured him in the OR but I was told his blood sugar was low so he was going to the nursery for a bottle.  This is where things get hazy.  I remember being very sleepy and groggy and don't remember much.  I do know it was 6 hours before I got to see my little man and nurse him for the first time. 

So my questions, being sleepy/groggy is this a common side effect from the spinal (I was told I was getting a spinal for the surgery)?  Why did it take so long for me to see him/nurse him?  Was this due to the fact that he was technically not 37 weeks?  I am currently 17 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and am planning another c-section but want to do things differently this time.  I have started writing my c-section birth plan and will check with my doctor, but I am asking that the baby be weighed and measured where I can see, then wrapped up and put on my chest and come back to recovery with me so I can nurse within the first hour.  As long as everyone is healthy. 

I would love to hear your experiences or opinion on mine (as to whether this is a typical c-section procedure or not).  TIA, and sorry my post is so long!

Re: Questions about c-section..kind of long, sorry!

  • I remember being very nauseous if I sat to upright for the first hour or two after the surgery.  When I had my twins (38w) they stayed with me the entire time, I carried them on the bed when they wheeled me back to my room (my hospital doesn't have recovery rooms, you go straight from the OR to your room to recover). 

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  • I didn't feel sleepy or groggy immediately after. I had a spinal with morphine. I would verify the hospital's rules with your doctor regarding have a "natural" csection. I had one and everything was done in the room with me and I breastfed as soon got to recovery. They bathed her in the room so that I could watch and my husband could help. If something happens this time you could ask that your husband stay with the baby. My husband went to the nursery with our daughter several times.
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  • I remember my surgery very clearly and being sent to recovery for 3 hours, and then I don't remember the next 24 hours or so after my spinal wore off.  I was told it was common.  Very unfortunate as I don't remember holding DD for the first time, or the first night with her.  I was in recovery for so long because I couldn't feel myself breathing and could hardly move my arms, so they weren't going to trust me holding my baby.  I'm very sad about that though because I wanted some skin to skin and nursing immediately and was told no.
  • I'm pretty sure they won't wrap up your LO and put him/her on your chest while you're still in the operating room.  They have a good 20 minutes to get you put back together.  You should be able to ask for weighing/measuring to be done where you can see, if you don't have the shakes too bad. 
     I sent DH with LO to recovery while they were getting me cleaned up.  Once in recovery, they put LO on me and we started to try and nurse.  We had the same issues with blood sugar and we tried a little more to nurse and then they insisted on a bottle (which upset me, but had to be done).  Blood sugar still didn't go up after 30 min, so they took him away to the nursery.  I didn't see him again for almost 6 hours, but DH and family were able to check on him in the nursery.  Luckily his blood sugar did go up and he didn't have to go to NICU, so once he came back to me, he didn't leave my room except for his snip.
  • I had a family member come for my last c section just to stay in the nursery with my son until I was out of recovery.  My son had trouble breathing and had suspected pneumonia so he had to stay in the high risk nursery for three days on IV's I could visit once I could be wheeled across the hall.  You could of been separated from your baby so long due to a condition you had, the baby, or both.  There might be information in your medical record.  There is also a variety of drugs that can be put in your spinal and or IV that cause various amount of disorientation, discuss your concern with you Dr.  I choose to have a spinal without the lasting effect that provide the extended pain relief ( I could feel everything in about 45 minutes) and instead had a morphine pump that I didn't use for my second section.  You have options talk to your Dr.
  • I was 36 weeks 2 days with my son so they had a pediatrician in the OR but the baby never left the OR and I breastfed as soon as we got to recovery. DH held him while i was getting put back together but i had my hands free so i could touch him. He was not weighed until after I had a chance to hold and feed him and gave permission for him to go to the nursery. I did not feel groggy.
  • MrsJG3MrsJG3 member
    edited September 2013
    I wasn't out of it at all. DD2 was born at 37w5d. She was weighed etc in the OR with me. DH went with her to the nursery while they closed me up and brought me to recovery. DH brought her to me in recovery and I was able to breast feed. I will say since I knew I would be having a CS I made sure I was very clear about what I wanted in my birth plan unless something became medically necessary. This made me feel like I was still in control of my experience.
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  • I can only relate my own experience. I had no sleepiness or grogginess from either of my spinals.  With my son, I saw, held and nursed him 1 hour after surgery.  With my daughter, they brought her back into the OR maybe 15 minutes after they finished the surgery, and I held and nursed her. My son was born at 38w2d and daughter at 39w1d.
  • A spinal doesn't make you drowsy, so you must have had some other med.  If your baby was 36 weeks then hospitals have to make sure they are healthy.  If your baby had low blood sugar hospitals have protocols they have to follow as far as immediate feedings and if you are still in OR being sewn up you are not able to do this, therefore bottle will be given. They will then have to recheck blood sugar after feed to make sure it is ok.  This is probably why your baby was not able to be with you.  You have to also remember that technically your baby was born prematurely and often times they have RDS-respitory distress syndrome, where they need closer monitoring in a nursery setting until they are stable.  So these are probably the reasons why.  You should have been informed of this all at that time and if you weren't you should have asked.  If you have a repeat csection and everything goes well for you and baby then you should be able to hold your baby in the recovery room.  They don't typically give you your baby to hold in OR while you are being sewn up, just so you know.  They will usually take baby to recovery room, where it is a bit warmer and right after you are closed they will give baby to you, that is if baby and you are stable.
  • I went into labor at 38 weeks and DD was breech. I remember everything clearly. We didn't get to see her for a few minutes because she wasn't breathing. Once they got her cleared DH went and got her and brought her to me. I didn't get to hold her but I was happy. Then they took her to recovery with DH. They stitched me up (maybe 15 minutes), wheeled me to recovery and I immediately tried to bf.
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  • With my first two I was dizzy and things were very hazy. With my last I wasn't like that at all. Everyone kept commenting on how alert I was. Not sure what was different. It sounds like baby had to be monitored and that's why it took so long.
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