My son was born by c-section in January 2011. I had just gone in for my 36 week appointment and had found out my son was frank breech (I was 36+3) and 2 days later I was at the hospital 5cm dilated and 50% effaced at 36+5. They did a quick ultrasound to make sure he was still breech and then within an hour we were in surgery. I remember the surgery very clearly but afterwards is a little hazy. So I'm hoping you ladies that have had experience with c-sections can help to clarify a little.
My son was born crying they weighed and measured him in the OR but I was told his blood sugar was low so he was going to the nursery for a bottle. This is where things get hazy. I remember being very sleepy and groggy and don't remember much. I do know it was 6 hours before I got to see my little man and nurse him for the first time.
So my questions, being sleepy/groggy is this a common side effect from the spinal (I was told I was getting a spinal for the surgery)? Why did it take so long for me to see him/nurse him? Was this due to the fact that he was technically not 37 weeks? I am currently 17 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and am planning another c-section but want to do things differently this time. I have started writing my c-section birth plan and will check with my doctor, but I am asking that the baby be weighed and measured where I can see, then wrapped up and put on my chest and come back to recovery with me so I can nurse within the first hour. As long as everyone is healthy.
I would love to hear your experiences or opinion on mine (as to whether this is a typical c-section procedure or not). TIA, and sorry my post is so long!
Re: Questions about c-section..kind of long, sorry!
GSx1 - 05/13/2013
GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!
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Big brother and sister are excited to meet the new baby! It's a GIRL!
~ G ~ 10/2008
~ E ~ 7/2010