Two Under 2

2 babies- 14 months apart!

DH and I just found out that we are expecting... again!  Our sweet DS is 6 months old this week and with the new baby coming in May, they will be just 14 months apart.  We are absolutely shocked and weren't planning on this pregnancy.  We had a hard time getting pregnant with my son and really thought we would need intervention this time as well. I guess not!  I am so nervous and honestly feel sad for DS to not be the baby anymore.  Is that weird?  I know this new baby is such a blessing but I just can't quite wrap my mind around it.  Anyone else with babies this close together??
Me: PCOS   DH: No issues

August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN
February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN
April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN
May '17: Took off due to cysts
June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles
November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN
December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018

Re: 2 babies- 14 months apart!

  • Not quite - ours are 16 months apart (planned). We love it and couldn't imagine it any other way! In fact, we're expecting number three in a few weeks (which will give us 3u3)!

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  • Mine will be 15 months apart! My DD is 14 months right now and we're expecting our second DD next month! When we first found out we were expecting again I must admit I was kind of freaked out. First, I was sad that DD wouldn't be the only baby anymore. Second, I couldn't imagine taking care of two kiddies under two! Now that we are much closer to the arrival of DD2, DH and I are exceedingly excited! DD1 will now have a sibling and our house will be filled with another little miracle to love! Everything always works out, try not to stress and enjoy this amazing time in your life!
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  • Thanks for the responses!  I know I will get more and more excited with each day but it's just still so crazy! Excited to learn from this group.
    Me: PCOS   DH: No issues

    August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN
    February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN
    April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN
    May '17: Took off due to cysts
    June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles
    November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN
    December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018

  • My little ones are 13 months and a day apart. I was stressed about taking care of both babies at the same time (especially with tandem nursing), but so far everything is easier than I imagined. Ask me again tomorrow when DH's paternity leave ends...

    Honestly, I was more overwhelmed at the beginning of my pregnancy than the end. As DD got older, it became easier to see how I could juggle caring for her and adding DS. We're loving this transition so much that we are planning on 3u3 with a close age gap (15-18 months) between DS and #3 if possible. :)
    Mommy to N (3), J (2), and C (10 months). LO4 is due in mid-September.
  • Mine are just over 11 months apart. In fact I currently have two 3yos for the next three weeks. The first two years of my older son were a complete blur. My advice is to make an extra effort to document things - pictures, notes etc. I will also say the first two years were pretty rough so don't put too much pressure on yourself to make things perfect. There will be days when your DH will come home to all three of you crying and then there will be days where they do something to melt your heart. In the end I can't imagine my life any differently. GL
  • Mine are going to be 14 months apart! :) DS is 8 months old and I'm due in March. I was so overwhelmed when we first found out but now we are looking forward to your little boy having a little friend to play with.

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  • Mine are 14 months apart.  So far, it's going pretty well.  DD initially didn't really acknowledge DS, but is interacting more with him every day.  I tell her she's my helper, and she follows me into DS' room to take care of him. 
    10/10: Married; 5/11: Dx: Blocked Fallopian Tube; 7/11: D&C/Hysteroscopy to remove polyp
    IVF #1: 9/11: ER: 12R, 11M, 10F, No Frosties; 5dt: 2 blasts, 1 morula; DD born 6/3/12
    IVF #2: 11/12-12/12: ER: 20R, 20M, 16F, 4 Frosties; 5dt: 3 blasts, DS born 8/9/13
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  • I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and 6 month old and I am 10 weeks pregnant. The youngest two will be 13 months apart. Definitely a shock! You are not alone mama.
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  • moonfaeriemoonfaerie member
    edited September 2013

    My oldest two are 14 months apart, and I looove the spacing! The transition to two kids was so much easier than I expected. Partly because DD2 STTN very early on, and partly because DD1 was in the independent play phase when #2 came along so she didn't mind us putting her down a lot to hold the baby, and she was too young to really be jealous. My DDs are about to turn 4 and 3 and they are best friends.

    Mixed feelings are totally normal, but you will be fine and one day, it will feel like #2 has always been there and #1 won't know any different. It was actually much harder for me being pg with a baby than having two outside babies! Congrats!



  • I have a son born march 2012 and a daughter may 2013. Early on in my pregnancy with DD I was grateful to be having another child, but wasn't emotionally excited. The excitement did eventually come and I love DD very much. I tell people that having them so close together is a lot of everything. Sometimes both kids are crying at the same time and need food and diapers changed while I am exhausted. Other times they hold hands while nursing and then DS will make DD laugh and I think my heart will just melt with love for these two babies. 
    Married to E on June 5, 2010
    Gave birth to baby boy, I, on March 25, 2012
    Gave birth to baby girl, A, on May 20, 2013
    Baby #3 due April 29, 2015

    Recovering from mitochondrial dysfunction and Addison's/possibly very severe adrenal burn out using food, medicine, and a large amount of garden therapy.
  • Congrats! Ours our 16mo apart and it's wonderful, the little guys love each other so much! It was tough at first, but it keeps getting better. I love that my oldest who just turned two doesn't remember life without his brother - best buddies :)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Proud Mom to the ZooCrew - Jack 3 years old and Joey 21 months. 
    Excited and delighted to welcome the 3rd member of the ZooCrew in 2015! We can't wait to meet you Matthew Henry!
  • My boys are 16 months apart and your feelings are completely normal.  It all works out though and now I can't imagine it any other way!  I love it!
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  • Not sure if you are still following this, but DD was born 3/26/13 and just confirmed via ultrasound that next baby is due 4/30/13. So I am right there with you. Excited and terrified! And I feel like I need to love on DD so much more now (is that even possible?). DH keeps reminding me that DD will only be benefiting from this. Can't believe I am still getting used to having a baby, and I'm pregnant!
    TTC since 2008. I'm 30/DH 32. Unexplained Infertility.
    All Welcome!

    Unmedicated IUI: 9/11 BFN

    1st IVF: January 2012. BCP, Lupron, Menopur, Gonal-F
    7 eggs retrieved, 5 mature, 3 fertilized, 3dt 2 grade A embryos.
    Beta 13dp3dt = 6. Beta 16dp3dt = 9. Chemical Pregnancy.

    2nd IVF: Antagonist Protocol. June 2012
    BCP, Ganirelix, Menopur, Gonal-F
    18 eggs retrieved (6/25), 12 mature, 6 fertilized

    BFP! Singleton due 3/18/13!

  • Right there with you.  I have a Feb '13 baby and will have a May '14 baby.
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  • gladygirlcagladygirlca member
    edited September 2013
    Had my first son November 4 of 2012 and my new son is due November 22 of 2013.  I'm nervous about my first baby being eclipsed by the new baby, but I really like what smerka said about trying to document as much as you can.  I will definitely do my best with that.

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  • laura1laura1 member
    edited September 2013

    My oldest two are 14 months apart, and I looove the spacing! The transition to two kids was so much easier than I expected. Partly because DD2 STTN very early on, and partly because DD1 was in the independent play phase when #2 came along so she didn't mind us putting her down a lot to hold the baby, and she was too young to really be jealous. My DDs are about to turn 4 and 3 and they are best friends.

    This is pretty much what I would say except my oldest is a DS, and DS and DD#1 are 15 months apart.  DS barely noticed that she was there!  They are BFFs now - DS was in a drop off gym class for the past 6 months, and DD is now old enough to go with him.  She did a practice with him last week, and you would have thought it was Christmas!  DS was telling everyone that she was his sister, the were holding hands walking around, and were so excited to be there together....Not quite sure why they were so excited since they spend 50% of the time at home fighting, but clearly they love each other!  

    Oh, and I also had TTTC with #1 - we were shocked with #2, too!
    TTC#1 = Success on Cycle#19 with Clomid/trigger/b2b IUIs; beta#1 (15dpiui) 200, #2 (18dpiui) 433, #3 (22dpiui) 2356; TTC#2 = Surprise BFP 9/2009; TTC#3 = m/c at 6 wks, 10/29/11; BFP#2 4/1/2012... Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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