Baby Names

Can't agree, need suggestions

So, when it came to boy names we found many we both liked. But, we are having a girl. Before I became pregnant, I fell in love with Imogen. J didn't really care for it. Okay, a little disappointed but we will find something else. Newest idea, Jacinta, was just rejected as well. I also like Isadora (although tbh I favor the male variant Isador even for a girl). We do both like the names Elsa and Willa (which would be a tribute name after my late grandpa Willard). She'll have his last name, which is one syllable, common synonym for rock (noun) starting with an S. Since last name is short, we kind of feel she needs a more substantial first name, although it doesn't have to be 3 syllables. Any ideas? Neither of us are into trendy, but he seems to think my choices are too clunky.

Re: Can't agree, need suggestions

  • Isla is the first thing that came to mind
  • I like your names!

    Isadora is much nicer for a girl than Isidore; have you considered Isolde or Isabeau?

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  • I like your names!

    Isadora is much nicer for a girl than Isidore; have you considered Isolde or Isabeau?

    I LOVE Isabeau! And OP, Willa is beautiful.

    Dorothea nn Thea or Dot
    Theodora nn Thea

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  • Willa Stone reminds me of Wilma Flintstone. What about Ingrid?
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  • mh89mh89 member
    I like Isadora best. I know Imogen is very trendy and "in" right now, but I'm just not a big fan of that name personally. Jacinta isn't my style. I like Willa (but prefer Willow). 

    Some possible ideas: Genevieve, Alexandra, Scarlett, Elizabeth, (C)Katherine, Annabelle...
    image image
  • caloneiscaloneis member
    edited August 2013
    Thanks for the suggestions, some are things I have considered and some are new ideas.

    I like Isolde (although I'm guessing that my husband will have a similar reaction to that as the others). Jessamyn is nice too (I like that spelling but didn't see it in my name app., only Jessamine). Indira is also nice, but for me it too strongly evokes one person (Gandhi).

    I am also trying to find more names that don't end in -a. I think like 90% of my "like it" list end in -a, which won't work for a first name-last name pair.
    Willa Stone reminds me of Wilma Flintstone. What about Ingrid?
    Heh. I don't really see that as being an issue with Willa, although early on we did rule out FN Flynn for that reason. Also why Gemma isn't on our list. Or Etta (makes me think of Rosetta Stone). Makes it more difficult when you last name is a word too.
  • I like Willa and I love the significance behind it! I prefer Jacinda to Jacinta --doesn't sound as harsh to me, a little softer. :)

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  • Isadora reminds me of Isadora Duncan, one of the pioneers of modern dance. I don't think I would ever use it myself, but as a dancer, it is very near and dear to my heart and I think it would be refreshing to hear it on a little girl this day in age. Lastly, Isa (pronounced Ee-Sah) makes a cute nn. Sorry, I don't have any suggestions other than some that have already been've got some good ones! (Isla is also the first thing that came to mind for me)

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  • I like Isabeau!!! Izzy for short :)
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